Need help on my fitness journey


New member
Hello Reddit, im gonna start with a quick brief introduction im 17M, starting weight is 290 pounds and 6,3 and Im tired of being fat and want to better myself not only for looks but for long term health. And I’m quite frankly at this roadblock. So I’ve been doing tons of research and taking in advice from ex-fat friends and all this is just really confusing and stressful, my BMR is 2,426 and I’ve reduced my calories intake to 1500 per day however I don’t know if I’m going about it the right way many influencers are saying if I eat a way too low amount of calories then I’ll burn muscle as well as fat at the same rate, have a “skinny fat” look, and when I break the diet I’ll gain even gain more weight. So I’m just stumped at this point. I’ve bought a gym membership and been going for a week now and I don’t even have a set routine that I can work on I’ve just been hitting dumbbells and bench press. So as you guys can see clearly I have no clue what I’m doing and need help. I’m just trying to look good for next senior school year (3 months from now)
@acaras 1500 calories is not enough. You have to be careful. If your body thinks it’s starving itself it will slow down your metabolism in order to save calories and convert that to fat in order to have fuel to burn.
I would up my calories to 2500 and begin a set exercise program. I would recommend three days a week resistance training two days a week high intensity interval training (HIIT) training. I highly recommend you check out the live anabolic YouTube page. Although it is geared towards men over 40, they espouse generally accepted fitness principles and they have a very nice variety of workout routines. The key is to establish good form early in your training. Do not overtrain. Stick with basic compound movements in the beginning I. E. Barbell squat, Barbell bench press, barbell bent over rows, barbell shoulder presses, barbell bicep curls and barbell skull crushers for triceps.

Do some homework and research regarding forms and exercise splits. If you work out at a gym, do not hesitate to ask questions of the more advanced lifters. There is no magic routine. You need to experiment and discern what works best for your body.

Of course, none of the above is to be considered professional advice to be relief upon and I recommend you consult your physician before beginning any exercise program.
@acaras Hello there!

Embarking on your fitness journey might feel like setting sail into uncharted waters, but fear not, you're not alone in this adventure! Here's a simple yet effective plan to help steer you in the right direction: Start by making good choices with your diet, keeping tabs on your calories while prioritizing wholesome foods like crisp veggies, juicy fruits, and lean proteins. When it's time to hit the gym, begin with the basics—think lifting dumbbells and mastering the bench press. Consistency is key, so stick to your workout routine and healthy eating habits, even on those days when motivation seems scarce. Set achievable goals and celebrate each milestone, no matter how small—every step forward is a victory worth acknowledging! And remember, it's perfectly okay to lean on your support system, whether it's your friends, family, or the friendly faces on Reddit. Together, we've got this!
@acaras Hey, I can understand that as beginner in fitness journey you might feel lost. I would recommend this fitness app to you app referral&mt=8 it is absolutely free to use. And they will provide you weekly exercise plans as per your fitness goals and details. Do check this out once and I know their are many fitness apps on playstore but this one is absolutely free, I am my self using this and trust me it works.

PS: You will know what to do and what exercise you are doing with this at least. All the best!