Need help with a routine


New member
So I’m completely new to fitness. I’d really like to start working out and my new condo has a small machine called the Paramount FTX 6-Station Multi Gym.

It has 6 stations (if you couldn’t guess by the name)

Leg Press
Pec Fly/Rear Delt
Pulldown works on a cable pulley system. Therefore different cable attachments easily attach for workout variation.
Multi Press
Bench Press, Incline Press and Shoulder Press
Abdominal / Back Extension
Leg Extension/Leg Curl

I for the life of me cannot figure out how to get the best workout using this machine, I’m a 22yo female for starters and I’d like to work out on M, W, Friday.

Do you think it’s possible to build a solid routine with just one piece of equipment and do you guys have any recommendations on how to structure the workouts? Thanks.
@archangel54 I was a trainer and have remained in great shape. A good bit of info is to tell us your experience with weights and any sports you have done along with your goals and current activity level