
New member
I'm new (2 weeks) into starting my fitness
I'm 31, 94kg and 6ft

My goals/aim is improve overall fitness, be stronger better cardio vascular volume and endurance, lose fat(roughly 2kg of fat) and get rid of some back pain.

I'm aiming towards fullbody and mainly calisthenic, circuit style workout, with a bit of added weight from dumbbell/Kettlewell (I have access to a small gym with basic equipment)

My routine right now is:

■ 5ish mins warm up on air bike

● Pushup x 8

● Crunches x 10

● Kettle Goblet squat x 8

● Bicep curls (10kg) x 8

● Calf raise (16kg k. bell on 5cm platform) x 10

● Bent over row (10kg dumbbell) x 8

■ Cool down on airline and stretch

My diet is pretty good, I'm tracking everything average 1600-1800kcal daily avg. 130g protein a day and creatine daily.

I want to change crunches to planks/dumbbell pullthrough plank to save my back. And I'm not feeling the bentover rows, maybe change them to prone angel with dumbbells.