Need some help finding a program


New member
M50, 6'5" over the past 2 years I've managed to get from 346 lbs down to 284 lbs. Body fat is somewhere in the low 20's I think. My Scale says 21.6% Dexa scan at 317 lbs said 23.8% (I've lost 30 + lbs since then)

I've done peloton spinnng, peloton strength, Caronline Girvan's Iron, and her old best mode...

I'm stuck

I've been here for months now. Work has gotten more problematic as far as workload and time. In the fall, my daughters high school band schedule completely derailed me. Recently started cyclebar 1-2 nights per week to get out of the house (I work from home) and get in a brutal High Intensity Cardio workout. Don't want to drop that b/c to be honest I need to get out more, socialize and do something fun. (It's kind of like being at da club without the liquor)

Having said that, I don't have any good gyms nearby (I tried a small one nearby, but often couldn't get a workout complete in a timely fashion b/c waiting on ppl, limited equipment, and a few wannabe social influencers)...and TIME MATTERS Between kids and work.

I need to get to lifting weights again REGULARLY. My goals are modest..trying to find a 3 day a week program (maybe 4?) where I can continue to get some muscle built. Oh yeah, my doctor told me to lift and lift heavy.

Not trying to be a body builder or enter a contest. But do want to be healthier, stronger, and look better. Shooting to get into the 250ish lb range and then re-evaluate?

Any suggestions on a program would be appreciated. It tried looking on fitness wiki but there seems to be a lot of bias against dumbbells.

Thank you.
@lucy97 I faced a similar situation a few years ago and bought myself a few kettlebells for home use. Made a world of difference in my ability to cut down on logistical impediments, which consequently increased my workout schedule.

Swings and TGUs are enough to really make a huge difference.

I’m currently 53 and concerted to that in my mid-40s, FWIW
@tmflo I have lookef at that. But can u do it with dumbbells??
I would eventually like to get some stuff setup in garage. But i need a partition wall and a mini split for summer ( south texas here). And for now am on limited space
@lucy97 I don't think so. my bad I didn't realize it needed to be with dumbbells. Maybe check out the boostcamp app, they have a lot of good programs on there, maybe there are a couple dumbbell focused ones
@lucy97 There are lots of dumbbell only plans in the internet. I have bought a book about dumbbell only training, but that's in German.

Maybe try this plan:

You can do that longer than 6 weeks, of course, if you use progressive overload. You need a lot of weights for your dumbbells to be able to use progressive overload.

I think you can do everything with dumbbells, but you are limited with the big weights, especially for squats and deadlifts. The heaviest weight I can put on one dumbbell is 37 kg (about 82 lbs), which is enough for quite some time.

Maybe someone else has a better plan, but dumbbells (and a bench) are great, if you can change the weight and have enough weights.

Edit:There are lots of dumbbell plans on the fitness wiki: