Never been in a cut, should I go for it now or keep bulking, also am I overtraining


New member
22 M 5'9" 200lbs, I had started lifting last year from 165lbs, I don't have access to proper fat% machine as of now. Any advice wether I should go for a cut, I am worried I may lose a lot of muscle mass.
Side fat and huge thighs are something I want to get rid of

Also I workout 2 muscle a day 5 times a week, 40reps x 5 exercise for each muscle, feeling too exhausted now, how should I change it

Current physique:
@jessicawiley dr mike israetel video on preventing muscle loss on a cut

israetel vid on deficit size

jeff nippard vid on how to get lean


- jeff likes to try to keep strength in a slightly lower rep range

- mike says sometimes higher rep ranges will have better stimulus to fatigue as you will eventually have less padding that might help disproportionately with heavy work (e.g. bench pressing 225 for sets of 10 instead of 250 for sets of 5)

- yes your bench and squat might suffer a little bit from the fat loss itself and you might think you have lost some muscle but a lot of people think they have less to lose than they really do so it might also just be that

- pace yourself at a deficit where training energy, sleep, mood are all OK

- if you lose a bit of muscle who cares you'll look a lot leaner and can gain it all back quickly by not being in a deficit for a few weeks
@jessicawiley The best way to estimate BF is by comparing to other people imo. You can look at some examples here:

I'd say you are at 21-23%? I would definitely start to think about cutting if you want to stay healthy, or maintain a bit at your current level.

You dont need to change your training when you are on a deficit. But why do you train at such high reps though?

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