New program, what do you think?


New member
Hi kettlebellers,

I'm a 50y M who's been training consistently for a little over a year. I've generally been running a program for about 6-8 weeks before moving to a new program. I find that keeps things interesting and switching it up keeps any nagging injuries at bay. I'm not naturally very strong, but have been making some good gains over the last year. Over the past year I've run S&S (16kg, 24kg), RoP (16kg), Giant 1.0 (2x16kg) and 10k swing challenge (24k). I've also done Starting Strength NLP and 5/3/1 barbell programs. I generally switch back and forth between barbell and kettlebell programs.

I haven't been able to press the 24kg at all until recently when I realized I can get 2 reps. I want to focus on getting better at the press using the 24 for the next month or two, but since I can only currently press it twice, I came up with a bit of a bastardized program which I'd like your thoughts on.

I'm planning on doing RoP style ladders of 1, 2 with the 24kg to start the workout while I'm fresh, then finish the workout with some more volume with the double 16s - EMOM Armor Building Complex for 15-20 minutes (gradually increasing the time for progression). I did this yesterday and it felt great. I did 3 sets of ladders and plan to move up to 5.

As I get better at the press, and can bang out 3 rep ladders, I might just switch to the RoP proper and work my way up from there, and do front squats on the variety days.

One more thing, I'm planning on doing this M,W,F but I'm considering doing deadlifts on my off days (Tues, Thurs) - do you think this would be too much volume?

Let me know your thoughts!