Nighttime w Preworkout

Hi there! I used to be an avid morning gym goer around 4 times a week but I fell off super hard a while back. I’ve gained some unwanted weight and am not where I want to be fitness wise but I really only have time in the evening/night to workout, but since that is the end of my day I’m always dragging and either don’t go as hard as I want or don’t go altogether.
This brings me to my current predicament.
I want to start trying preworkout to help with the sluggishness pre gym, but I also have to be awake at 5am to get to work on time and I don’t want the preworkout to keep me up past my bed time. Those who workout at night with preworkout, does it wear off because of the workout? Do you ever have any trouble sleeping afterwards?

Any advice/feedback is appreciated! And any suggestions on preworkouts to try that aren’t absolute trash for your body would be amazing too!!
@oregonnowandthen Everyone reacts differently to caffeine, the primary stimulant in pre-workouts (e.g., some folks can drink a cup of coffee and fall asleep an hour later, whereas others could have one dose of caffeine in the afternoon and have it throw off their whole sleep schedule) so that can really vary person-to-person, but it's probably worth checking out a stim-free pre-workout if you find that taking caffeine that late is throwing you off.
@oregonnowandthen I always train at around 8-9pm as that’s the only time that works for me so take my PWO around 30 mins before.

I’ve only struggled to get to sleep a few times but most of the time it isn’t much of an issue for me. That being said there is no doubt it affects the quality of your sleep. For example, I’ve had 8 hour sleeps where I wake up midday but then that same day towards the evening I’ve found myself falling asleep lol

I’ve heard @justweenus talk about quality of sleep a few times and when I experienced the above the penny dropped!

So now for my weekday workouts I use Wrecked as it has much lower caffeine content compared to my other high stim PWO’s and I save those for the weekends. There are also PWO’s without any stimulants so you could also explore that option and see what works best for you.