Northern Spirit named title sponsor for semi finals + CF games for masters/teenage/adaptive divisions

@grace4nan Reebok had recently lost the NFL and their NHL deal was not renewed. If I recall correctly it expired in 2012 but Reebok knew it wouldn't be renewed.

Reebok correctly identified CF as a rapidly expanding opportunity, but failed to plan for how stupid Greg really was and how Greg getting rich would reveal his towering ignorance of the business he created.
@mbahchidinma They lost the NFL in a bidding war with Nike and Under Armor over a year later from signing with Crossfit. They didn't loose the NHL, Adidas their parent company took it over from them, but not until 2017.
@grace4nan Reebok signing that deal literally revitalized their brand. lol

Hell, the logo they invented for the Crossfit collab is now their main logo. I hadn't consider Reebok for 20 years before they took a chance on Crossfit.
@reneesinz45 False. Adidas paid $3.8 billion for Reebok in 2006. They sold it in 2021 for $2.6 billion.

The Reebok brand lost over $100million of value per year that they were attached to CrossFit, in addition to the $100M+ they spent on marketing, which obviously didn't work.

If we adjust for inflation it waaaaay worse. But, why kick 'em when they're down?

Partnering with CF was probably the most value-destroying apparel company decision this century.
