OHP can S my D


New member
Ugh. I finished session 10 of SL this morning and finally stalled on my OHP at 60 pounds. I did three sets of 5 and the last two I squeeked out 4 reps. I feel like my form is okay but does anyone have a cue they use or any other tip that can help a girl out! I keep my abs tight and try to keep my butt tight too but I noticed my left leg will shake a little on the harder reps. Is that weird?

I did DL 115 this morning though so there's that!
@gtylerson When I stalled, I started incorporating extra sets of push presses. This way I could get used to feeling the heavier weight on my shoulders, that really seemed to help me out. I'm up to 5 x 75 and can knock out a few at higher weight now so I'd really suggest incorporating those in.

Video of a push-press
@gtylerson the big cue for me is "head through the window". As soon as the bar travels up past my head, I push my head forward slightly, so that the bar is travelling straight up above my body, as opposed to up in front of my body. That helped me a lot.
@philcho That's what I do too! I always think "hit your nose with the bar" and that forces me to back my head up. Otherwise I want to push more in front instead of above.
@gtylerson If this is your first stall, just work through it! Keep lifting as much as you can, and eventually you'll find you'll surprise yourself by working through the last two sets without any problem. I made it through my stall last week from 50-55. 50lbs was really hard for me, then I made 5x5 finally of that. Moved onto 55 and finished all 5 sets with no problem on my first try. I also ate a lot more that day before my workout than normal, so that might have contributed to it.