Online Personal Training Programs


New member

I'm offering two programs, Guddy and online personal training and am trying to build my clientele! I have experience in both sports and bodybuilding since elementary school to college to now, and also provided personal training back when I was in college.

1.) Online Personal Training

Program includes:
  • Risk-free trial, the first 3 sessions are 100% refundable
  • Custom Workout Program
  • Collect & analyze training data for progress
  • Workout Form check
  • Workout & Accessories (belt, straps, wraps, etc) tips
  • Available 24/7 to answer any fitness related questions
  • Weekly check-in to discuss progress
2.) Guddy
  • Custom Workout Program
  • Collect & analyze training data for progress
  • Workout Form check
  • Workout & Accessories (belt, straps, wraps, etc) tips
  • Monthly check-in to discuss progress
Program includes:

If you're interested, please fill this Google Sheet and I'll reach out to you shortly! :)