overtraining impacting results


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overtraining impacting results?

Hey everyone, i'm 18 been training for about 2 years consistently and was worried I may be over training recently as i started boxing 6x a week for about 1.5 hrs.
My current split is
chest - 8 sets
back + biceps - 12 total 8 back 4 biceps
shoulders - 8-9 sets
legs + triceps 12 sets
abs(7 sets) + lateral delta again(they recover fast)( 3 sets )

grow has been insane overall, 575 squat 370 bench but has begun to stall worried it may be due to over training. The split is optimized to work on my weak points of chest and shoulders and not train biceps and triceps with too much volume since they are naturally very large.
Plz lmk if this is too much volume and if i need a rest day added to the split, i pretty much consider the ab day to be my rest day. All sets are very intense and to failure also
@dawn16 Honestly thinking about unsubbing to these fitness subs because it's driving me insane. I'm 30, been working out for 5 years and my bench just hit 175 for 6 and I can feel that I'm about to plateau again. Everything is dialed in.
@luke2334janel Are you sure everything is dialed in? I'm not trying to be a dick but that's not much especially for that long so there could be areas to look at to improve if bench numbers are something you care about.
@christianmom21 I track calories. Proven program. Bulk and cut. Track reps and sets. Consistent. 7 to 8 hours of sleep. 180g protein min. Train to failure on main lifts. Periodize. Deload. Proper rest times between sets. Maybe I do too much cardio but even that's not a ton. 2-3 hours of Muay Thai a week and maybe 1.5 to 3 hours of cycling/running combined.
@luke2334janel How much do you weigh? Long arms by any chance? Is your bench TNG or paused? I found when I did all my bench training paused the numbers exploded, my chest improved a lot too. Do you have a spotter to help you push to failure?
@luke2334janel Sorry but you can’t say everything is dialed in and then have deloads in your program, because you shouldn’t need a deload if everything were dialed in
@luke2334janel I mean, bench depends on a lot of things. Arm length, how wide your chest is naturally, your weight, ect. Celebrate your accomplishes, not lambast them by comparing them to other people.

I have long ass arms and long ass femurs (like, 51% of my height is legs and 6'3.). My safety bar squat is JUST now surpassing my bench by quite a bit because I started using a belt. Someone of my weight and training age normal shoots past their body weight (280lbs in my case) in squats, and I'm only just now approaching it but, looking at where I started and how thick my legs are getting...who the fuck cares where I am? I'm growing and getting better.

Use other people for inspiration, not comparison.
@luke2334janel i'm sure others are going to give you good advice that you can incorporate as there's always things you can do to improve if you want. for what it's worth, though, in real life i very rarely see 2 plate+ benching for reps from anyone under like 20-25% bodyfat. most guys i see are benching between 1-2 plates, average height, maybe 170-180lbs and all have solid physiques while being relatively lean. obviously, they have room to grow, but nobody would say they don't lift. this is at quite a large generic commercial gym in a major city and most people here my age (20-30s) i would assume are training for looks, not strength. online there's lots of outliers and people who are a lot more passionate about this than the average gym-goer and want to push these lifts as hard as they can. if you go to more specialized gyms (or hang around online) you'll see more of these types of people and higher standards will be more normalized - which is generally a good thing for most peoples training as they can push themselves past limits they didn't think were possible. that doesn't mean that you have to reach those standards to get solid results and physique, though.
@luke2334janel While this guy says 370 after 2 years, he’s full of it, but 175 after 5 years of training something is up. It’s likely you aren’t pushing yourself enough or eating enough
@luke2334janel Genetics are a thing. We all had that one dude in school that was a natural freak that just was way stronger than anyone with minimal effort.

Genetics are however absolutely not an excuse to give up. It's the reason why you to go harder for the same results. It sucks but that's how it is. Some people are just school smart and some people will have to study their ass off just to barely pass.