[Plan Review]


New member
Hello r/beginnerfitness,

Wanted to put my plan here in case there are any improvements or gaping holes the hive mind might point out to me.

Goals: Get stronger, lose 20 pounds, fix posture: (arms internally rotated, shoulders a bit forward, and hamstrings tight)

Equipment Available: Adjustable bench, pull-up bar, loadable dumbbells, kettlebell (16kg), 1x 10-35lb flat loop band, 2x unmarked straight tube bands w/handles

Plan: Full body 3x/wk + 4th day stretching/recovery

Sets/reps: 3x8-12, with a 4th set temporarily if I can't quite increase weight even after mastering 3x12. 60s rest.
  • Legs:
    • Knee based: Bulgarian Split Squats
    • Hip hinge: Weighted pendulums (i.e. single leg RDLs) OR kettlebell windmills (goal: hamstring flexibility)
  • Upper body:
    • Horizontal Push: One-arm dumbbell bench press (flat)
    • Horizontal Pull: One-arm bent over dumbbell rows
    • Vertical Push: Two-arm overhead dumbbell press
    • Vertical Pull: Perfect pull-ups (overhand) (3x3-5, 240s rest)
  • Core (unofficial goal: work towards full L-sit):
    • Strict, straight legged V-sits (90 degrees to start) AND/OR
    • Hanging L-sit (i.e. hanging leg raises)
  • Isolation work (goal: fix shoulder/arm posture):
    • Dumbbell L-raises to external rotation
    • Sitting dumbbell external rotations
    • Side-lying dumbbell external rotations
Edit: equipment, reps

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