Please rate my routine idea

Essentially it’s strength-focused 3x a week(m/w/f) and strength endurance-focused 3x a week(t/t/s). Running most days just based on how I feel/my energy Sunday I’m thinking I’ll just do yoga and maybe a light walk. My goals are to increase strength and get a little leaner. I have 1x 15lb 1x 20lb 2x 35lb kettlebells and a barbell that goes up to 60lb so I’m thinking of combining them to gradually increase the weight for the exercises.


Hollow body hold

Heavy swings 10x10

overhead press 5x5
squats 5x5
deadlifts 5x5
push-ups 5x5

chin-ups/chin negatives 5x5 (can’t yet do chin/pull-ups so I've been training negatives)
glute bridges 5x5

loaded carries


dead bugs x25 each side

get-ups 5x5

20-30 mins of a kind single bell DFW routine with snatches added so it would be

1x c+p
1x c+fs
1x snatch

then 2x2x2 then 3x3x3 and back to 1x1x1

one hand swings swings (Rx10 Lx10 x2)x5

I’m thinking about trying it and seeing how fatigued it makes me and lessening the workload if it’s too much

thanks for any feedback 🖖
@hunter101 for barbell combining it with a varying kettlebells essentially putting the kb on the bar and then putting the weights on it until i can afford more different kb/more plates

i can’t do the chin-ups yet i’m thinking of getting a resistance band to assist with those and then eventually i think weights on my body

push-ups i’m increasing the leverage i have my feet on a stool rn thinking of combing it with weights in a book bag
@truthearthdefender Right, that makes sense.

You'll probably be better off using a rep range for pushups and chinups, then. Maybe something like 5-10 reps/set - going straight from assisted chinups to slightly less assisted chinups can feel like a huge jump.

For the barbell work, there's nothing wrong with going super high rep. 20, 30, 50 reps in a set can still stimulate growth if it's hard enough. Further, harder variations of a lift can help:
  • Front and overhead squats, maybe even with pauses
  • Romanian, deficit, snatch grip or snatch grip deficit Romanian deadlift
  • Snatch grip behind the neck press probably gives less triceps stimulus, but your shoulders and traps will be working overtime
@truthearthdefender It feels a bit too much. I'll cut it to two strength days (5x5 is supposed to be heavy) and two strength endurance days. Run on the streght endurance days and Sunday. Add an easy Yoga session on Sunday. Try to do breathing exercises almost every night and throw some original strength moves during the day.

That seems achievable.
@roadtrippin69 2 days instead of 3 might be a good idea if it’s not manageable that i hadn’t considered this being friday i tried the m/w/f routine and it felt good but of course that’s only one day it will feel different after running it consistently and string together days

what do you mean “throw some original strength moves during the day”?
@truthearthdefender It's a series of movements recommended by Tim Anderson and Geoff Neupert. It originated as a book and now it has become kind of a school of movement. I recommend it 100%

The movements are neck nods, rocking, rolling, crawling and cross-crawl, and the whole idea is to resemble what a baby would do before he learns to walk.
@roadtrippin69 that sounds really interesting and something i’d be into trying but i’m having trouble finding information when i google it

is this what your talking about and would it be a good routine to try

or do you have any other resources about that to look at i saw the original strength book on amazon but it was around $50