[Podcast] Brandon Roberts - Sarcoplasmic Hypertrophy

In case the name sounds familiar to you, this is /@thepcwife who did an AMA with us the other day. Definitely do check it out, lots of good stuff.


Dr Brandon Roberts is a man of science who is also deeply involved in the field himself. With a PhD in Muscle Biology, a notorious fitness writer for well-established reviews/website, a coach for the Strength Guys and a competitive Natural Bodybuilder. This gives Brandon unique perspectives and the ability to have a full view of what’s going on in the lab vs. the gym. Today we talk about new discoveries within the muscle hypertrophy sphere, all wasn’t as clear as we once thought and close on some discussion surrounding sleep.


02:31 Brandon talks about Sarcoplasmic Hypertrophy

06:34 Brandon speaks about his study looking at sarcoplasmic hypertrophy

15:49 is sarcoplasmic hypertrophy chronic or acute

19:18 anecdotal evidence and bodybuilders have been right a lot of times. Furthermore, Brandon talks about hypertrophy pathways

22:23 Myofibrillar packing. What is it?

26:24 Current application and validity of the research as of yet?

30:10 What's the cap of repetitions?

31:33 Brandon's take on pump work techniques

34:00 Brandon digs into sleep

40:58 What variables to track

43:29 Social jetlag

44:39 Are naps beneficial?

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