PPL vs Sam Sulek Split


New member
I was wondering which split would be better or if there 's no difference.

I was following Sam Sulek Split, which is Chest and Side Delt, Back n Rear Delt, Arms , Legs.
I was doing it 6 days a week one rest day, so the next week I would just start with whatever was next in the split, hitting everything 3 times every 2 weeks.

I recently switched to PPL, I like it but I find a bit more taxing doing this much muscles per session.
And I also personally enjoy a dedicated arm day just feels nice.

So by this logic should I just stick with the split I enjoy the most (4 day ) and as long as I go hard there should be no difference in gains, or is PPL a better split?
@lostfornow Sulek’s split might be better for arm development imo. You could also do something like PPL + Arms, which could be run 4 days, or in a rotating schedule (in which case i would run PPAL, so the arm day doesn’t come before either push or pull day).
@younggenius But do you still hit tris and bis on the said push pull days and have another arm day? Or do we just do chest and back on push pull and have arms on the said extra arm day?
@smetm33 You could swap a push/pull with arm work, and vice versa on arm day if you want. I would personally prefer this approach. But either can work well.
@auyl Push pull legs rest push pull legs rest. Sometimes 2 days of rest if I need it but generally it’s not needed.
Push is chest triceps and shoulders
Pull us back bicep and forearms
Legs is abs and legs. It’s not weekly schedules it just keeps revolving. Allows for consistent recovery.
@dsal Sorry yeah. I’d be interested to see how different your exercises are from what I’m doing. I figured if you were doing a known routine I could just look at that but you listing exercise seems like a lot so don’t worry about it. Thanks for responding.
@auyl Push 2-3 warmup sets
2 working sets 3 if you feel like it needs extra work
-Flat bench either dumbell or barbell I switch (about to add machine variation too)
-Incline bench either dumbell or barbell
-Pec flys on machine or cables with a bench
-Shoulder press dumbells or barbell
-Tricep pushdown straight bar and overhead (can switch with rope about stomach height skill crusher motion) can do super set if you want
-Either dips or dip pushdown machine or the preacher pushdown machine
-Lateral raises on cable or sitting down on bench with dumbbells
-Sometimes i may do front raises with cables

2-3 warmup sets
3 working sets
-Pull up for lat pull down warmup then 3 heavy ones
-Rows cable
-Barbell bent over rows involve delts in this after failure each set
-Delt fly machine or with ropes on cables bench for support
-Shrugs barbell
3working sets
-Preacher curl
-Incline curl or hammer curl
-Reverse curls on cable with straight bar
-Wrist flex with straight bar at bottom
-Just started doing dumbell forearm exercises cuz I noticed they were lagging
I used lifting straps for most of these

Legs 4 working sets
-2 of these squat, deadlift, leg press or goblet squats
-Either rdls or ham curl machine
-Quad extension machine
-Calves like 5 working sets of high reps lower weights.
-Abductor and adductor machines
-One or two Ab machines
Sprinkle in some cardio in warmup and cooldown throughout the week. I generally lifting as heavy as I can with 100% form and do partials on my last sets. If I do it on everyone I get too many muscle tears.
@dsal Appreciate the response!! Looks very similar to what I’m doing but there’s a few things I’m going to adopt. Thanks again 🙏
@auyl Also I mix up the grips for like rows and lat pull downs. I’ll do wide grip and close grip alternating. Same with leg press and squats. I feel leg press wide grip hits the hips really well, where squats don’t. Lifting straps are for back exercises and deadlifts.
@lostfornow Pick whatever you one you’ll enjoy but i’ll also add this caveat: You’re only a couple years into training. Unless you’re doing a 20 minute workout, you don’t need an entire session dedicated to solely arms or chest+side delts.
@lostfornow Stick to what you enjoy the most. Personally, I think PPL is better cause you hit every muscle group 2x/week. If you’re not recovering well before your next lift, then decrease the volume so you can be fully recovered and hit the muscle group hard again by the next session. You can still incorporate an arm day if you want