Printable Progress Tracker (original by /u/Venezuellionaire)

@gdtcn2022 Should be noted, that by the International Organization for Standardization ISO 8601, Sunday is the 7th day of the week, not the first :)

I do agree with /@fromgenesistorevelation , that you probably should forget the day labels and maybe reduce the amount of days to represent those recommended by the BWF routine/faq, which is 3 days each week.
@dawn16 Okay, here's the version 2.0 preview:
I changed it to three days and added a notes section at the bottom (I think I'm gonna keep the warmup section because I like to use it as a checklist).

Any other ideas or criticism? If everything looks good I'll upload a new PDF and source spreadsheet.
@gdtcn2022 That's really cool. I'm pretending that if I were to use this, I wouldn't need every column to be the day of the week. Maybe instead of monday, tuesday, wed, etc, it would just be blank and you could fill in the date (e.g., 10/7/2014). (That way you don't have to waste columns if you only work out MWF, then T/Th are a waste.) I personally wouldn't record the stuff I do in the warm up, either, cause those things it's better you juts play by ear and do 5-20reps of anyway, so maybe that area could just have space saved for other things? Idk, but anyway, shit is cool as it is.
@gdtcn2022 I'm using a very similar spreadsheet which doesn't look as nice. I left the dates blank though and broke down the progressions into individual rows. I also split the strength work columns into 3 so you have some separation for the individual reps.
@gdtcn2022 Maybe it's a stupid question but here goes: it means you should do 1 set of pull-ups, 1 set of parallel dips and continue this for 3 times in total. And then squat progression and l-sit progression 3 times and so on..? Sorry I'm new!
it means you should do 1 set of pull-ups, 1 set of parallel dips and continue this for 3 times in total. And then squat progression and l-sit progression 3 times and so on..?

That is correct. (See the notes below the strength work table)

Sorry I'm new!

Take notice that you should also skip the first pair if you can't do horizontal rows (for pull-ups) and diamond push-ups (for parallel dips).

More info about this routine here.
You'd do 3 sets of pullups, then 3 of dips, etc.

If you do it like that, you don't need pairs - just do the six exercises one after other. Doing it like that requires more resting time between sets, and more total time for the whole workout.

The idea behind the pairs is to reduce resting time and keep the total time as short as possible.
@lerubi Correct :)

Edit: Though, I just noticed the fine print actually says you'd interchange each pair (So, pullups then dips until you've done 3 of each). That's not how I normally do my routines, but whatever works.
@theinformant Ok! That's what got me doubting. I'm doing Freeletics (/r/freeletics) right now but I somehow have the feeling I'm just doing some exercises (which are good btw) without building much.