Program and Progression Question


New member
Hi! Just wanted to ask if this is a good enough program that I can do daily for General Physical Preparation for Jiujitsu. As a bonus if this can facilitate building muscle and weight loss.

I’m 5’7” at 240 lbs. I do jiujitsu 2-3/ week.

This is the program I wrote for myself I wanted it to be minimal that I can do daily without getting too sore to do jiujitsu.
  1. Bodyweight Rows with TRX - 5 set x 6 reps
  2. KB Swing - 10 sets x 10 reps (16kg)
  3. Turkish Get-Ups - 5 sets x 1 rep per side (16kg)
  4. KB Suitcase Carry - 3 sets x 30 sec per side (24kg)
  5. KB Windmill - 3 sets x 4 reps per side (16kg)
Another question is how would I progress this?

Your insights and comments would greatly be appreciated.
@holiness4 I’d consider Right of Passage or the Dry Fighting Weight Remix.

First, you should really consider a press program. Second, they both have progressions built into them. Lastly, it’s nice to finish a few programs. You’ll learn those progressions which will help you to write your own in the future.

You’re kind of doing something similar to the Dan Martin Program Minimum. I like that program. It has basically no progression. You simply try to get better at doing the workout over 40 sessions and walk as much as possible after. That’s also fine.

I get the feeling that I misread Enter The Kettlebell. I did all kinds of accessory work on my variety days. Whenever I see it discussed here, most folks seem to just do the presses and swings.

If you want to stick with your routine, I’d suggest that you read up on ladders, volume, and density. Those are some tools you can use to build progressions.
@holiness4 I think it needs some pushup and rotational work.
You have a lot of bases covered with the proposed plan, but I feel like some additional chest work and rotational work would help.

I'd be tempted to do one session as you laid out, then have a B session of

Push-up 4 sets of 15
Clean and press 6 sets of 5 per arm (I'm guessing 16kg here)
Goblet squats 4 sets of 10 (heavier the better)
Maybe a cross chop or something similar 4 sets of 10
Possibly single leg dead lift 4 x 10

Obviously I have no idea of your ability and training level but this is a vague guide that I think can fill in the gaps
@holiness4 I know Pavel came out with a good program called Kettlebells Strongfirst (sold on the BJJ Fanatics website, not Strongfirst). It's specifically designed for BJJ folks that want to get strength training in between BJJ sessions. I don't do BJJ but I plan on using it as part of my cross country ski marathon training this late winter.

With that said, that sounds like a heavy load- are you planning on this workout being 1 hour? I know that 10x10 swings will take 15-20 minutes if you're planning on keeping your heart rate down, especially if you're newer to bells.
@holiness4 A couple of things, first on weight loss, that's accomplished in the kitchen not the gym. I've went from 207 to 175-180 (64 yo m, 5'11") in a few months by following the principles laid out in the protein leverage hypothesis.

Also keeping a food log. No matter what anyone says it's about calories in and calories out but what i eat greatly influences how much I eat.

Your program seems like a lot, like too much to do and your sport and recover from when you add in life. I first heard the acronym gpp I'n the 80s in an Italian cycling manual. I've been using kettlebells since 2002.

I've been doing Simple & sinister for a while now and I'm impressed with it as a gpp program to supplement my mountain biking and skiing. It's simple, it covers all the bases and doesn't overload your system so you can recover from it and do your main sport.

I use it so when I can't ride it keeps up my conditioning so when I do ride, I can ride hard. It also backfills most of the the gaps that come from practicing lower body dominant sports. I'm on an extended road trip and I'm spending time in areas without much riding.

I haven't lost any weight bc of it but I'm noticing my waist is getting smaller.

That's my two cents.

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