Program/nutrition feedback


New member
Goals: build muscle, look good naked, increase flexibility and mobility, workout consistently without injury

Background: runner, cyclist with calisthenics to supplement strength and yoga for recovery, starting to focus more on strength and looking more muscular/lose moobs

Program: Basically run this program adding pushups, pullups, and rows with light mace (360s/10-2) and club (inside circle, outside circle) for shoulder movement variety:

It's a long video so the program is an ABC style squat + clean and press thing with the only difference being the weight changing on each workout. So A is double 16 kg kettlebells 5x5 squat, 5x5 clean and press; B is the same rep scheme with 18 kg kettlebells, C same deal with 20 kg kettlebells. After you work though each weight you add a rep until you get to 10x5 then you drop the lowest weight and add another 2 kg and start back at 5. But you just do these twice a week, so A, B week 1; C, A week 2, etc. Post workout I do 10 - 15 minutes of yoga and I'll probably do a "yoga and primal/animal flow day" for active recovery once a week.

Adding in 1-2 30-60 minute runs at 10 min/mile or 1-2 one hour long bike rides at a steady pace (using heart rate monitor that's 120 bpm for me).

Diet: I'm 5-11, 170 lbs, internet says I'm 22% body fat. Macros - 2500 calories/day, 180g protein, 210g carbs, 93g fat (about 30% protein, 35% carbs, 35% fat).

I ran another kettlebell program earlier in the year with basically this diet more to get the movement patterns down but didn't really see results.

Question: Does the program + diet = goal?
@birch I really don't think anyone can tell you if it will work without you actually trying it first. However, the calories seem about right and I would amazed if lifting weights plus cardio didn't have you seeing results.

With that being said, if you're looking to build muscle, focusing on a push-pull-leg split built around the main compound movements (bench, squat, deadlifts, rows) may serve you better than that program. Combining that with yoga, cardio, and active recovery is pretty balanced imo.
@birch Progressive overlaod is the key. Your workout seems fine to me.

How do you konw your body fat through internet? You only able to know your body fat with proper measurement machine. Anyway, I recommend to reduce your calories to 2000/day. 2500 will make your progress slower considered the workout program you are going to run.
@mysterygallery Found a calculator that took some measurements eg neck/waist size and I guess figured it via those. Not sure how reliable it is but I thought it was a decent baseline.

For the calories, if I cut them to lose weight will I still add muscle?