Program Review: Jacked & Tan 2.0


New member
This is my first time running a program by myself and thus first program review so any comments/questions/critiques very welcome! When I was looking into this program I noticed there weren't a lot of reviews by women of it, so wanted to add to the literature ;)

TLDR: A lot of fuckin around and finding outing…. I didn't make as much progress as I would have liked (strength or physique-wise), but I'm giving myself a pass... In the middle of the program I quite my job, took a month-long vacation, and then moved from the U.S. to Europe. So on top of starting a new program I've got a whole new life than I did at the beginning of the program (and have had to switch from lb to kilo hehe).

Weight: 155ish > 155ish (lbs)

Height: 5’ 9” (175cm)

The Stats:


135 lb
90 lb (barely)
215 lb

70 kg / 154 lb
43.5 kg / 96 lb
110 kg / 242.5 lb
33.5 kg / 74 lb

Training History:
  • In 2017 I started going to a gym/trainer that had me doing programmed lifts 1-2x a week and a bootcamp-like workout 3x a week. I had lifted for fun with some friends in college, but this is where I first learned good form. I enjoyed it but was more into running and the bootcamp stuff, so my lifting was confined to whatever my trainer told me to do that day.
  • 2018 - 2019 was a lot of fucking around and finding outing. I did a completely unorganized bro split type workout, lots of cardio, and circuit training. Was in pretty good shape but no goals or tracking etc.
  • COVID - March 2020 to April 2021. I ran 10k almost every single day for over a year. If I could get my hands on some equipment I would try and do some kettlebell or other resistance work, but a lot of the time my living situation wouldn’t allow for it. Occasionally would go for a (20 - 30 miles) bike ride as a workout.
  • April 2021 - Got back into the gym post-COVID! Joined a little boutique lifting gym that I loved.
  • July 2021 - Went home for the summer and started this program since I no longer had my beloved little lifting gym. First time running a program by myself.
The Program:
  • 12 weeks, linear periodization, 4x a week, focus on hypertrophy. Long read up is here.
  • What I Liked:
    • Lots of accessories to play around with!
    • The workouts are long and challenging (also a con) -- I like feeling like I got something done in the gym every morning, makes me feel accomplished for the day.
    • GZCL app was great!
  • What I Didn’t Like:
    • I like the structure of the warm-up sets, but they take a long time.
    • Weeks 7 - 10 started to get a little monotonous/boring for me.
    • The workouts are really long-- I usually like to throw in some abs at the end of a workout but getting out of the gym in a decent amount of time was hard enough with just the programmed exercises.
    • Accessory Work
      • Day 1: T2A - SL Deadlift, T2B - Lat Pull Down, T2C - Barbell Row // T3s - Seated Cable Row, Leg Curl Machine (varied by which gym I was in), Leg Extension, Dumbbell Bicep Curl
      • Day 2 (Bench): T2A - Dumbbell Row, T2B - Incline Bench, T2C - Shoulder Press // T3s - Lat DB Raise, Cable Cross Row, DB Fly, Cable Tricep Pushdown
      • Day 3 (Deadlift) - T2A - Lunges, T2B - Lat Pull Down, T2C - Banded Goblet Squat // T3 - Leg Extension, Leg Curl Machine, DB Bicep Curl, EZ Bar Curl
      • Day 4 (OHP): T2A - Bench Press, T2B - Close Grip BP, T2C - Push Press (I cut these out Week 7 because of shoulder issues) // T3s - Lat DB Raise, Tricep Pushdown, Cable Cross Row, DB Fly
  • I started the program on a “cut”. I was aiming for around ~1950 calories a day. I lost about 5 pounds in 3 weeks. I had never understood when people said they couldn’t eat enough calories but for some reason in these three weeks I had a hard time keeping food down, mostly because I was EXTREMELY lethargic…. I looked great but felt like shit.
  • On the fourth week of the program, I went on vacation. I was still able to go to the gym and lift was eating “healthy,” but definitely not at a deficit. I generally eat relatively healthy day-to-day-- lots of veggies, try and focus on my protein, etc.
  • The fifth and sixth weeks of the program I couldn’t go to the gym-- I was backpacking in a remote area, so a pretty active vacation that I hoped would help my squats haha. I ended up getting really sick (some sort of stomach bug) and had to leave a little early and took a few days to recover enough to get back in the gym.
  • I started back up two weeks after I did week 4 in week 5. Week 6 is the first time you test your 1RM. I did not do as well as I hoped (basically just hit my starting points). Probably because of the vacation and illness. Mentally I was pretty bent out of shape about the lack of progress.
  • Weeks 7 - 10 are a bit of a blur. I had just moved to a new city (in a new country) and most of my focus in fitness was finding a good gym (didn’t really happen, but the gym I’m at will do) and figuring out how to convert kilos. I was also readjusting to doing things in person instead of working from home for the first time in 18 months, so having a schedule where I had to leave the gym at a certain time had me cutting out some of my T3s some days.
  • Weeks 10 - 12 - These were fun! I could really tell I was making progress with my 5 and 3 rep maxes.
  • Because I ran every day for a year and a half, it was hard to quit cold turkey (although I was getting quite sick of doing it EVERY day). On two of my "off days" (Wed/Sat/Sunday) I ran (usually around 10k). On the other off day (usually Saturday) I did leisure exercise like a long bike ride to a nearby town or, more likely, a long walk as an attempt to fend off the hangover from Friday night.
  • I feel noticeably stronger. I’m hitting most of my old 1RMs for 3-6 reps depending on the exercise!
  • My quads have grown quite a bit. I can definitely see a change in muscle definition, but I really want to cut to see the leanness.
Closing Thoughts and What’s Next:
  • So, I tested/PRed my maxes this past week and then ran a half marathon on Sunday... and also PRed on that! So that was exciting. BUT I was definitely feeling it in the second half of the race hahahah.
  • If you're thinking about doing J&T 2.0, read the program and then read it again and again and again while you're running it. I kind of just went for it relying mostly on the app and realized that I was not following it correctly multiple times throughout the weeks...
  • I think considering all of the travel and that I moved to a different country in the middle of this program, my progress is pretty solid. Excited to run a program on my own now that I’m feeling a bit more stable in life.
  • I’m planning on either running one of the 5/3/1 Templates (looking at the Bodybuilding one as I’m not sure I can mentally handle the boringness of BBB right now haha) or getting a virtual programming membership with my old gym back in the U.S.
  • Really hoping to get a pullup this year!
  • Would also like to get to 185 squat / 120 bench / 250 deadlift (lbs) by the end of the year. I may focus on the squat and go for it 2x a week in my next program. A little disappointed my bench didn’t improve more in this program, but I think I can at least get past 100 by the new year. I think it’s mostly a mental block for me.
But did you get tan?
  • Yes! For those two weeks I was off the program backpacking I actually got really tan (for me). Unfortunately now that I’m in a Northern-ish European country, it has quickly faded and will likely not be coming back anytime soon.
@tiffashwill This is really interesting! I actually just started this program so it was fun to read about your experience :)

I downloaded the app you mentioned and the way the app does the warm up sets is really different than how I do them! My warmup for my first day T1 squats was 15 reps at 45lbs, 14x95, 12x115, and 10x130. So I did a lot more reps than the app recommends. I based mine off the post about J&T 2.0 in the GZCL sub but never felt super confident about whether or not I was doing it right lol the way the website describes it is really confusing to me!
@james5086 Yeah the program doesn't actually prescribe a warm/work up-- just to "work up" to your maxes, so you can do it however you like! I think that I probably had too long of a warm-up as well.
@tiffashwill Yes! The "working up" part was really confusing for me. I think I might need to make some tweaks to my program because yesterday I was too tired to even finish my sets by the end of my workout.
@tiffashwill I really enjoyed this review. I’m always considering other programs but never actually depart from GZCLP (I like it’s simplicity & I’m still seeing progress albeit very slowly after 1+yr) & I appreciate the program reviews on the sub.

I’m super impressed at your OHP! From 0# to 74# is massive to me. You must have a really solid base of upper body work to do that.

Thanks for sharing & congratulations on the PRs - lifting & race both!
@calso Thanks!!!! I've always considered myself super weak in terms of upper body so my 1rm was actually surprise to me haha! Hopefully it'll help with the bench press...
@truckerdan It is intimidating! A long one for sure.

Would not recommend the calorie deficit on this one 🙃🙃🙃 I don’t remember being too hungry but there were some days that I would have to stop working at 2PM because I thought I was going to fall asleep sitting up hahaha
But did you get tan?


This might be the first time in J&T history 😆

Great write up. I started J&T in the summer but ended up ditching it after a couple weeks because as you note, the structure can make it take so damn long and I just don’t have that much gym time. Settled back into 12 week UHF instead. I think I prefer the weekly undulation and “every day is full body day” structure anyway, but I might try J&T again in the future when/if my life calms down a little.
@tiffashwill Good review. You should put this in gzcl or weight room too.

You said the workouts were quite long. I find I'm not in the gym any longer than 90 minutes and sometimes around 70 on this program. The big compounds take a while but with the t2b and t3s only having 60 second rests I find overall it makes up for it ?

Edit- also, where is this gzcl app??
@natmeister79 Ah will do!

Yea 90 min on lower body days and 70 on upper body days sounds about right until you start cutting out some of the accessories in later weeks. The gym I was at prior to this was 60 minutes in and out so 90 was long for me 😝 I also like to warm up and cool down with a little bit of cardio which added on some unnecessary time.

I got it on the App Store! Should be the first one that pops up with a red icon and black triangle. I think it has all the variations. Can’t remember if I paid for it but if I did it was probably worth it to mess around with it. Comes preloaded with J&T :)
@tiffashwill Saw the thumbnail pic and was going to comment “wrong sub?” Lol.

Awesome progress! Your deadlifts are so strong! And running a half marathon too! Wowow. I would highly recommend 531, made a lot of gains running the program since April. It is very boring though but the programming works.
@dawn16 Hahaha did it pull the Rambo pic from the link?

Thanks so much! Very much looking forward to 531-- it's a lot simpler than this program was (and much shorter).