Push Pull Legs EXAMPLE


New member
I've seen a lot of questions asking about Push Pull Legs splits, so I figured I would type out an EXAMPLE. As stated, this is an EXAMPLE and does not need to be implemented verbatim to be effective. The example as written would likely be too much for a new lifter. But I just wanted to show exercise selection, exercise placement, and rep ranges.

Any questions feel free to ask !

Day 1: Push A - Clavicular Head Intensive

1- Shoulder warmup (Always ensure you’re good and warmed up before doing ANY push day)

2- Incline DB Press. 2 warmup sets, 2 x 5-8 working sets

3- Incline DB Fly. 1 warmup set, 2 x 8-10 working sets

4- DB Side Lateral Raise. 3 x 8-12 working sets.

5- DB Front Raise, 3 x 8-12 working sets.

6- Triceps Press down. 3 x 8-12 working sets.

Day 2: Pull A - Lat Intensive

1- Pullup warmup (Just do a few sets here without exhausting the muscle)

2- Uni-lateral lat pulldown. 2 warmup sets, 2 x 5-8 working sets

3- Seated Cable Row (Lat Intensive). 1 warmup set, 2 x 5-8 working sets.

4- Pullups (Either traditional or assisted). 3 sets to failure

5- Alternating Dumbbell Curl. 2 x 5-8 working sets

6- Dumbbell Hammer Curl. 2 x 5-8 working sets

Day 3: Legs A - Quad Intensive

1- I always advise to start leg day with stretches.

2- Quad Curls. 2 warmup sets, 2 x 8-12 working sets.

3- Squats (Quad Focused). 2 warmup sets, 2 x 5-8 working sets

4- Lunges. 2 x 8-12 working sets.

Day 4: Rest

Day 5: Push B - Shoulders + Sternocostal Head Intensive

1- Shoulder warmup (Always ensure you’re good and warmed up before doing ANY push day)

2- DB Shoulder Press. 2 warmup sets, 2 x 5-8 working sets

3- Machine Shoulder Press. (If available) 1 warmup set, 2 x 5-8 working sets.

4- Flat DB Press. 1 warmup set, 2 x 5-8 working sets.

5- Pec Dec or Flat DB Fly. 1 warmup set, 2 x 8-12 working sets

6- DB Side Lateral Raise. 3 x 8-12 working sets.

Day 6: Pull B - Back Thickness Intensive

1- Pullup warmup (Just do a few sets here without exhausting the muscle)

2- Upper Back Pulldown. 2 warmup sets, 2 x 5-8 working sets

3- Barbell or DB Row. 1 warmup set, 2 x 5-8 working sets.

4- Seated Cable Row (Thickness Intensive). 1 warmup set, 2 x 5-8 working sets.

5- Pullups (Either traditional or assisted). 3 sets to failure

6- Dumbbell Hang Curl. 2 x 5-8 working sets

7- Preacher Curl. 2 x 5-8 working sets

Day 7: Legs B - Hamstring Intensive

1- I always advise to start leg day with stretches.

2- Hamstring Curls. 2 warmup sets, 2 x 8-12 working sets.

3- Squats (Hamstring Focused). 2 warmup sets, 2 x 5-8 working sets

4- Romanian Deadlift. 2 warmup sets, 2 x 8-12 working sets.

5- Glute Bridges

