Q+D and Programming thoughts


New member
Just bought Quick and the Dead and did my first 10/2 one arm 32kg swings and regular push-ups for 6 sessions this morning. Going to try 5/4 on Wednesday with the one arm 32kg swing and regular push-up. I read that parallel bar dips aren’t recommended (Pavel’s choice, though) but I love dips and never have shoulder issues. I like the idea of dips on a 5/4 day for the push. Anyone ever attempt? Was also thinking of keeping my Friday Timed Simple (in place of Q+D) since it’s such a great workout.

So this would be my Mon/Wed/Fri split:
10/2 Monday one arm swings and push-ups
5/4 Wednesday one arm swings and dips
Timed Simple Friday

Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday: mix of clean and press, squats and snatch. A free for all day!

Let me know your thoughts!
@romane91 Timed Simple doesn't really contribute to Q&D, being pretty much glycolytic (at least the swings). Pavel does not recommend weekly acid baths. And in general I'm of the opinion that one should do the program as written first and wiggle things later when you have some understanding of it. Dips will probably be fine as an alteration from the get-go.

With "regular push-up" do you mean that you cannot do them explosively?
@juancarlos I did the 10/2 for the 6 sessions and found it easy so that’s when I thought about looping in the Timed Simple once a week to keep things hard. But I can understand the point about running q+d for the 3 months especially if I toss some dips and the snatch protocol into it.

I did the palm on the ground push-up (regular) and was still explosive. My fingers aren’t great for fist push-ups due to having them broken a few times.
@romane91 Q&D is not about hard, but smart. If you come from "if I ain't dead after a workout, it's no good" mentality, it might be harder to come to terms with it. Glycolytic "feel the burn" training gives the best feeling of accomplishment, but what gives you good results and what feels like a good result are two different things.

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