Q's re: weight loss and toning post c-sec


New member
Hi there, I've just recently joined here. So I have put weight on over summer and was 11st 2 last week and now 10st 10lbs today, I've been doing cardio classes and weight training at the gym and reducing portion size. I'm 5ft 4 and prefer a toned, hourglass figure ideally. NOT looking to get skinny or muscley.
My goal weight is 10st currently but I'm thinking I might go on to lose another half stone after. My issue is my lower tummy - I'm 26 and have 2 kids ,most recently a c section 22mths ago and I have a weirdly shaped muffin top over the scar. I'm looking for specific advice re toning this area after the weight loss.

I'll be doing the Juicemaster 7lbs in 7days diet starting from tmrw so will more than likely be 10st 3lbs this time next week and (IMO) in a better position to start toning my trouble spot.

Tldr: specifics for toning post c sec muffin top?
@stbaby I could be wrong, but as far as I know you can't tone a specific area in the way many people think you can. You can isolate and build up specific muscle groups, but you can't target areas where you'd like to burn fat. For example, say I've got some excess flab on my arms that I want to get rid of. I could exclusively do exercises that work my arms and still end up losing fat in my belly or somewhere else on my body. Here is a short article if you'd like to read more.
@josh0601 Thanks ! Very interesting article. I'm a total beginner really so that was a good place to start. It seems to suggest that the crunches and general cardio combined with my weight loss plan would be the best way to go ? I'm currently doing 3 sets of 25 crunches a day and will work that up.
@stbaby No problem :). I'm not too experienced with weight loss techniques, but from what I understand, in order to lose weight (hopefully around the hips) the idea is to burn more calories than you consume (in a healthy way). So combining diet with exercise, like you plan to do, should lower your daily caloric intake and increase the amount of calories you burn each day, ideally causing some weight loss.

If you're short on time for cardio, you could also consider looking into interval training. I've heard that it can be very effective at burning calories. And the crunches should be great for building up your ab strength. Here is a list of other ab exercises you could try (check out the body weight section). I really enjoy doing planks.
@josh0601 I really hate doing planks :) lol but I do them, thanks for the exercise link! Looking forward to adding that to my routine.

Re interval training, signed up for classes on this at the gym today. I am indeed short on time and need to get the most out of my 3 1.5hr gym sessions a week which has to include a swim and 40mins doing cardio and weights.
@stbaby Given that you are posting here you likely are eating somewhat healthy :) Given that though, you may need to eat less or slightly differently to achieve your fat loss goals.

Check out this site http://iifym.com/tdee-calculator/ and start counting calories and macros if you are serious.

There's no such thing as toning or targeted fat loss. Doing crunches will develop and maintain ab muscles which can be made more visible through fat loss, but it doesn't burn a lot of calories. Look into HIIT or just steady state cardio to get the results you're looking for.

Good luck!
@trzs Thanks for your reply. I'm a very healthy eater , long term vegan averaging 5-10 portions of fruit n veg a day, no white flour products , minimal wholemeal products and rarely will I eat junk like cakes. I don't react well to sugar in any form (light headed, dizzy) so that helps keep me away from the crap !

Thanks for the link. Also the info re work outs. I signed up for cardio tone at the gym which is interval kinda thing so that'll fit in nicely with my other cardio and gym work.
Day 1 of the juice diet today and feel slimmer and cleaner already !

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