Question/Help: Tips or advice for constant bruising?


New member
Hello comrades,

I am a vegetarian slowly making their transition to vegan. I am also fairly athletic and a cyclist. I've noticed that I bruise really easily. I do not even notice but I will wake up the next day with purple bruises all over my legs! I have zero recollection or hurting myself, or they are coming from me bumping into things. I can go weeks constant bruising on my legs (its not in the same spots, kinda random), I'm not falling or smashing into things either lol.

I know its not a vitamin K or C deficiency, but I also know I don't always reach my protein requirements (I'm about 5"7, 158 lbs, ~27% body fat, BMR 1650, averaging 50g protein a day).

Have any of you experience this issue, do you have any advice or anecdotes? I tried to go a doctor, but my family doctor doesn't really give a f#@k unfortunately.

It would be greatly appreciated, since this does worry me.

EDIT: no iron issues either, that was checked.
@tery Body fat is 27%.

Edit: TBH, Im not sure at this point, I got the test done this summer and body composition has shifted since then, it may be lower.
@tery That's what I thought as well, from my research i was coming up with a protein deficiency. Thank you, I will work on increasing it
@gabrielea Yeah not clinical, agreed. Not ideal? Likely! I will try to start drinking soy milk (Ive been drinking almond) to help my intake and some other adjustments.
@gabrielea I started to eat some more peanut butter since sept., but maybe 2x a week. Soy, not so much! I know, its such a good protein source! I don't eat tofu very often. I should definitely do that too.

TBH, for various reasons I know my eating has not been optimal lately. I had this problem even worse during the summer but it went away or certainly calmed down. Now its more of an issue again.

Just last night I was looking at soy again. I will go to the store today and load up. Perhaps I've been discouraged because I haven't been able to nail that crispy tofu recipe (even following it lol). I can cook legumes very well but tofu not so much. :(
@macbarb Is it a lack of appetite? If so, could that be from underlying stress or just not desiring food much?

Yeah, to nail crispy tofu you need to press as much water out as possible. Did you try to do that? I used to struggle but I found a great method and now I nail crispy tofu all the time. Also, I freeze the tofu overnight and then press it again the next day after thawing, and way more water comes out again. Then the tofu is very firm and chewy which means itll absorb flavors optimally and also get crispy edges.
@gabrielea Ok first of all, shout out to your name, It makes me giggle! Good choice.

And yes lack of appetite partly. Its just weird, some days I wake up hungry af, then cant eat half my meal. Other times, I eat a big meal, then 1-2h later Im starving again! I do do intuitive eating, but my body/appetite is not consistent with these signals? If that makes sense.

I think I need to work on my pressing game, I didn't really put too much effort that. But yes!!! I freeze and press too! IDK about you but, when I do, it also becomes very delicate (it crumbles in my hands).
@macbarb Thank you!

Yes I understand that. I mean the inconsistent eating is not necessarily a big problem depending on your goals. If your cardio workouts are pretty depleting it’s just a good idea to eat more protein, like 1g/kg at least. For me, if I eat intuitively, I lose weight. I have to make myself eat in a regimented way daily to ensure I reach my calorie needs, because I’m active myself. And with that adjustment, my appetite has altered so I can eat more in my meals and I always get hungry at similar times. Maybe a disciplined approach where you make sure you eat can change your body like my approach did for me

I got this tofu press online and it saves me a lot of time instead of stacking random stuff on a pan lol
@gabrielea Wow, I really appreciated this response! Very helpful. I am trying to loose and loosing weight currently, but i see my fat is still there, so its likely muscle mass at that point.

I will try to be more regimented, improve my tofu pressing, include more protein, and see what happens!

I have a feeling it will fix it. So many thanks for this exchange TittyBurglar haha! Have a good day :)
@macbarb Easy bruising can be a sign of a variety of medical conditions besides just nutrient deficiencies. Have you discussed your bruising with your doctor?