Question on bicep volume


New member
I’ve been following this bicep routine for the last 8 months 3x/week and have seen pretty modest results. However I feel like I’m working harder but not smarter and that there’s a more optimal routine I could utilize, or that this is simply unnecessary high volume.

- Incline Curls 3 x 12
- Hammer Curls  3 x 12
- Spider Curls 3 x 12
- Incline Hammer Curls 3 x 12
- Preacher Curls 2 x Failure
- Standard Curls 1 x Failure

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
@faithonly Too much intensity for a start. What's your diet like? Are your weights progressing? What else are you doing in the gym? If that's 3 times a week, I'd presume not a lot.
@kepha23 Diet is a moderate caloric deficit (about 300 kcal deficit). Weights are for-sure progressing: started with 15lbs curls and now up to 25-30lbs. I also work chest, legs, back, on separate days sometimes in combination with one another (biceps and chest are the same day). I’m in the gym for 2+ hours on average which I know is too much. 5 days of gym, 2 days of rest.
@faithonly Scale it down. No need to be in the gym for more than an hour. Maybe a bit longer if you throw in a bit of cardio. Follow a good plan. My preference is a push/pull/leg/rest/push/pull/rest but that's on the individual. Biceps and chest shouldn't be on the same day. You're overloading yourself on your arms and you will end up injured.
@faithonly Holy balls that's a lot of bicep work.... That's a lot of junk volume, your biceps have to be cashed out after two of those exercises. I would back it down to 6ish sets total per day, 2-3 times a week.

Focus on quality over quantity. Nice and slow, controlled eccentrics with some pause at the furthest stretch point. You could also shoot for 12-15 reps per set.

I'm also a fan of doing alternating resistance direction. So your first exercise could be an incline bench, so the greatest stretch point is at the bottom. Then switch to a preacher curl so the greatest stretch is at the top. Mix in some pronated, neutral and supinated grip styles on A, B and C days.

Edit: I meant peak force, not "greatest stretch"
@cgolordshammer Appreciate that feedback! I do agree that there’s some junk volume, I’m going to shave down at least a few sets. I spend like 2 hours in the gym, ideally I’d love to spend less than an hour lol
@faithonly i like most of the prewritten program templates on boostcamp, they are usually a good idea of how much/little volume/intensity is a good idea.

usually accessories are programmed with a pretty high RPE and a rep range.

eg 3x8-12 @ rpe 9ish

if you actually just focus on taking each set pretty close to failure and progressing reps the amount of volume you need to get stronger and get a bit of a pump/soreness will go down