Question on The Wolf Program


New member
I realize this may be a stupid question, but you guys are very knowledgeable on these topics and will probably set me straight, so here I go: I started the Wolf program this week (M, W, F) and Day 3 was definitely more taxing than the other 2 days. For my "off" days (T, Th), I'm actually doing some chest and back workouts with free-weights, which probably contributed to Day 3 of the Wolf being that much more taxing.

So, my question is: Would it be counterproductive (or plain stupid) for me to perform Day 3 as Day 1, when I'm typically better rested because I don't workout on weekends and typically start my KB cycle on Mondays? My thought is that I could get the toughest day out of the way when I've rested the most, but I also understand that the program was designed certain way for a reason, so I'm obviously going against the grain and perhaps not getting the full benefit of the program.

Thanks in advance for any advice you all may provide.
@curlysouffle If it were me, since it's your first time doing it, run it as designed. If you do it again and want to experiment, then sure. But if you happen to give any program feedback, be up front that you modified it.
@curlysouffle Given it's your first time I recommend running it as designed. No need to go crazy. Also, leave your off days to just that- "off" days. It's not a program designed to be used in conjunction with other programs.
@grace302015 I've been lifting (free weights) for a while now, but decided to give kettlebells a go, so I've been dedicating some time to kettlebells for a few months now, but hadn't gotten into a program until now. I think that I'm just so used to lifting M-F, that it feels odd to take 2 days off from lifting/intensity in the middle of the week, know what I mean? Almost like I need to do some sort of lifting on those "off" days, but yeah, I figured those off days were there for a reason. Thank you for your feedback.
@curlysouffle Totally makes sense. One thing kettlebells do that standard weights don't hit are your stabilizer muscles. All those little small ones that don't get hit as much when you do the big 5 lifts. Those need time to recover, especially in the beginning of kettlebell training.

Doing some LISS (aka "Zone 2") cardio is the way to go if you want "off day" workouts. I do KB's to strength train for cross country skiing and I always still feel recovered enough.
@grace302015 I will look into LISS cardio, I have never heard of it before, but I would like to find some physical activity to do on my off days so that I don't feel as guilty. Prior to the Wolf, I had done full-body workouts with kettlebells, and while some of them were definitely taxing, I was able to get through them, but Day #3 of the Wolf took me to a new fatigue-realm I hadn't experienced with KBs before. 🤣 Thanks!
@curlysouffle I think it is fine to start on Wed so that day 3 ends up on Monday. I wouldn't mess with the actual order of the workouts. But the heavy day is before the weekend for extra rest. You perhaps should also consider doing less on Thursday.
@juancarlos That's a clever approach I also hadn't thought of (starting Day 1 on W), thank you for the suggestion. I think you're right, if i were to keep it MWF format, then perhaps Th should be a full rest day in order to be ready for Day 3 on Friday. Initially I was thinking that I could still lift heavy on T, TH for upper body only, but I didn't realize how taxing Day 3 would be.
@curlysouffle The wolf is interesting. It says it's for legs but the shear volume of each set. The only thing taxed for me is my endurance. I can't complete the workout with a weight that will make my legs soar.
@bluemayskye That's interesting, but I do agree with the endurance part, that is what really got to me on Day #3; the last set of front squats was grueling for me, racking the KBs properly on that last set was definitely a challenge for me because my legs were actually starting to shake at that point, but I actually enjoyed the challenge of it.

For me, using 40lbs KBs was definitely challenging for Day 3. Perhaps you need heavier weight?
@curlysouffle I didn't swap anything around, but I put my double rest day between day 2 and day 3 to make sure I'm as recovered as possible to get through day 3.

And you're right that day 3 is MUCH harder than 1 and 2, that's by design. I'm dreading Monday a bit which will be week 6 day 3 for me.
@tomtomtom I appreciate your input. Seems like your approach is similar to the reply right before yours and I think I could also benefit from it. I don't workout on the weekends, so Sat and Sun would be my off-days and hopefully I'll be ready to tackle Day #3 on Monday; I think I'm going to give this structure a shot.

Now that you're in week 6 and (gulp) Day 3, how are your conditioning and strength doing?
@curlysouffle Definitely seeing improvements. Throughout the program every Day 3 has felt hard except week 4 (where it drops back down in volume). I legit struggled on W1D3, but then just improved. Making sure you rest well is key though. I also upped my protein intake significantly, because I boulder 2-3 times a week as well.
@brokenwarrior I actually hadn't thought about that, that's a smart approach. Unfortunately I only have a set of 40s, which is what I'm using for all 3 days. Day #2 was fairly easy, but Day #3 definitely caught me off guard, but I'm enjoying the learning process.

I assume, like the others have suggested, you don't do any lifting on the in-between days?

Thanks for your feedback.