Questions about my diet


New member
Hello everyone.

So I have been trying to get in shape, get some more weight and I have been talking with many people and watching videos and I am unsure about one thing ,as it seems conflicting.

Short info about me - I am 175 (5'10) and 62 kg (137 lb) male, in 20s.

So the one thing I am unsure about is, given I never got too much fat (right now I am around 13 %, according to "by eye" measurement - using a small rope to measure circumference and then some online calculator for waist / neck), and my daily intake of fats is around 100-110 g, while "recommended" (using some sort of calorie food table) is 60. This is my average for last 9 months and I haven't gained weight, my average calories intake was around 2150 (so the recommended level)

Some friends told me "you are skinny, so if you eat fat and go into caloric surplus, it's fine, because the body will burn carbs and fat first, so you won't get fat even if covering your metabolic rate with fats". But from youtube it seemed like "very bad idea" to eat a lot of fat and all those buffed guys had around 70-90 grams of fat intake?

I also have an average of around 230 g carbs and 105 grams of protein (which I know I should increase a bit).


Is it inherently bad to eat 100-110 grams of fat per day if I am trying to gain muscles? Or can I eat a lot of fat to have energy (with carbs as well) and add more protein to build muscles?
@phos_hilaron You’ve been given a lot of bad information.

I eat ~140g of fat per day and I am very, very lean.

Calories matter most, then protein, then fats and carbs. It’s really a preference whether you eat more fat or carbs. I prefer more carbs as I am very active.

If you aren’t gaining weight, eat 2-300 more cals per day and reassess after two weeks.

For your size, I’d say 120-130 protein, 70-90 fat, and the rest carbs is a good starting point.
@phos_hilaron Start from here

As long as you stay within your calorie budget and meet your protein intake, the mix of carbs and fats doesn't really matter that much. The kind of fat you're eating might affect your cardiovascular health - saturated fats, cholesterol for example have been talked for decades now. Although the latest research seems to be mixed on just how unhealthy they really are. Carbs also help you recover.

105 grams of protein will already cover all your muscle building needs at 62 kg.

This is my average for last 9 months and I haven't gained weight, my average calories intake was around 2150 (so the recommended level)

This just means you are not eating enough if you're looking to gain weight. Add another 300 calories daily, and see if it gets your weight going up. Weigh yourself frequently and adjust as needed.

"you are skinny, so if you eat fat and go into caloric surplus, it's fine, because the body will burn carbs and fat first, so you won't get fat even if covering your metabolic rate with fats"

This makes little sense. If you are in a surplus you eat more than you consume and some of it will be stored as fat. The amount depends on the surplus - 200-300 surplus daily will be enough to start building muscle with only minor fat gains.