Questions for my wife workout please


New member
Hi everybody ! I have some questions for my wife, her goal is to lose weight and get lean, not take a lot of muscles. She's doing workout at home.

1- how many times a week should she do cardio ? for how many time (30min/1h?) ?

2- should she do cardio directly following her workout or in different days ?

3- is it better to do full body workout each seance or work different group of muscles each seance ?

for the moment she does :

monday : upper body
tuesday : booty
wednesday : abs
thursday : legs
friday : full body
sunday : yoga/stretching

(30min each seance)

she also walks at least 10k step a day (7km/h).

4- how many rest days should she take ? for the moment she only takes one (saturday but she walks 10k step even on her rest day)

5- can she does yoga, stretching or cardio on her rest days?

6- to resume, how she should organise her week?

Tell me if you need to know something else to answer me correctly
Any answer will be greatly appreciate ! Thank you in advance for any response ✌️

(English is not my native language I am sorry…)
@whyayeman My wife does 2 full body workouts a week and 1 cardio. She's definitely what "fit" looks like. Bench and squat Monday, running Wednesday, deadlift and overhead press Friday.

That's it and she's definitely not ready for competition, lifts are getting stronger gradually, but she's been doing this 5 years and results are what you're looking for.

Heavy barbell squatting to depth is actually the most important. Most people either don't go deep enough or heavy enough to be effective.