Quick Q’s


New member
Context, chubby 29m, been going to the gym on and off, still not too sure what my diet should consist of and which supplements or protein shakes I should be using, my goal is to def tone up and lose weight in my core area. Any pointers could be dope!
@rose2112 https://thefitness.wiki/weight-loss-101/

what my diet should consist of

Preferably majority whole foods and limit ultra processed foods. This is for health reasons though. You want a focus on protein, but dont' avoid fats, as they are essential to healthy hormone production. Then eat your veggies/fruits for micronutrients and fiber.

which supplements or protein shakes I should be using

Should be using? None. You don't need any supplements. They are only to be supplemental to your diet if you aren't getting what you need from there.

Protein shakes/powder can be useful for hitting your protein goals BUT the majority of your protein should come from whole foods.

tone up and lose weight in my core area.

Tone is a bullshit word. You don't tone anything. You build muscle and then be lean enough to see it.


To lose weight, read the first link I sent, but basically be in a calorie deficit. You cannot target weight loss, so the weight will come off from all over. And you'll want to focus on building muscle up overall and not just focus on your core.