R&R recommendations


New member
Alrighty Fam,
Here's the deal. I'm under doctors orders to take a little rest and relaxation time. Anyone got any recommendations for CrossFit gyms that are within walking distance to a nice Caribbean resort? I'm looking to get up, get my morning WOD in, come back to a beachside breakfast then nap and read and decompress.

Any recommendations you folks would have would be appreciated.
I'm under doctors orders to take a little rest and relaxation time. Anyone got any recommendations for CrossFit gyms that are within walking distance to a nice Caribbean resort? I'm looking to get up, get my morning WOD in, come back to a beachside breakfast then nap and read and decompress.

Um. One of these things is not like the other. I agree w/ @chevyz07-Time-Traveler, take a break. I will be doing the same thing beginning Feb. 3 on my own beach vacation. No hard-core workouts, just much needed R&R.
@hotleatherworld I usually use vacations as a chance to let my body recover. Avoid intense HIIT workouts for a week. Maybe some light beach jogs or bike rides. Nothing strenuous.

It’s not a bad idea to give your body a break from all this insanity every now and then.

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