Rate my full-body routine


New member

so I've been working out in some ways for the last 2 years or so, and after changing my routine a few times, I've wound up doing this.

I'm M 24 169cm (5ft54in) 66kg (145lbs).

I do it 3 times per week (that's the most I can do with my schedule, hence the full-body thing) and it takes me about 45-55 minutes, including warm-up. I rest 30-40 seconds between sets. My goal is mostly to build some muscle (V-taper, visible abs, muscular legs, some biceps) and just keep in shape, cardio-wise:

3x25 sit-ups ss w/ 2x20 regular push-ups, 1x5 pull-ups

3x20 romanian deadlift ss w/ 2x20 elevated push-ups, 1x5 pull-ups

3x20 backward lunges (10x for butt, 10x for thighs) ss w/ 2x20 diamond push-ups, 1x5 pull ups

2x25 glute bridges (w/10kg weight) ss w/ 2x25 calf raises

1x40 leg raises

1x40 crunches

1 minute plank

1x 30 knee to elbow on all fours

2x15 10kg bicep curls

What's your opinion? Do you see room for improvement and if so, what should I focus on?
@mommajulesberry 1) I'll try but it must be more about the weight than the volume because I'm already tired as hell at the end as it is.

2) I guess I can. What heavy lifts would you suggest? The heaviest weight I have is 2x10kg dumbbells, so that's what I do RDLs with. Also I'm a bit limited because I work out at home, so I don't have an adjustable bench or whatever, just a step ladder I can lay on (pic), the dumbbells and a standalone pull-up bar with dip handles.
@seekinggod2 to be honest bodyweightfitness recommended routine would probably be more structured with more reliable progression for at the very least your upper body. for your lower body calisthenics is lacking so it would not hurt to spam bulgarian split squats, load up a backpack with heavy shit and progressively overload from there