
New member
Hi all! I have been doing this program for a few months now. My PT friend made it for me. I’ve been having issues with back stiffness and hip / glute tightness. My physio believes I need to stop doing barbell squats and potentially deads to fix my issues ( I enjoy them though that’s the problem). My routine days are Sunday (legs) Monday (rest), Tuesday (push), Wednesday (pull),
Thursday (legs), Friday (push) and Saturday (pull).

Day 1 legs:
Squats - 5x5
(Replaced with hack hack squat per advice from physio ).
Leg press 4 x 6-8
RDL 4 x 6-8
Lunges 4 x12
Leg extension 4 x 8
Leg curl 4 x 8

Day 2 push:
Bench press 5 x 5
Overhead press 4 x 6
DB flat bench 4 x 6-8
Lateral raise 3 x 12
Cable crossovers 3 x 12
Tricep pull-down 4 x 10-12
Tricep overhead 4 x 10-12

Day 3 pull:
Deadlift 5 x 5
Lat pull-down /weighted pull up 4 x 6-8
Seated row 4 x 6-8
Dumbell curl standing 4 x 8-10
Dumbell hammer curl 4 x 8-10
Facepulls 4 x 12-15.

Please rate, tear apart or give advice. I have a feeling I’m doing too much volume. My height is roughly 5,8, current weight 82kg.

@musicianchick21 Your workout plan is one of the more solid ones if seen here. How often do u go to the gym?

Your physio seems to be an idiot or incompetent. Just not doing something is early a good fix. If you are doing any exercise correctly, the only problem should be the doms u get the following days. You need to identify the problem. I'd suggest uWork on some hip mobility and stretching and find a new physio.
@bnm Thanks. Definitely doing my mobility lately. I’m just wondering if having a pelvic tilt or an anatomically shorter leg is causing the issues I’m having.
@musicianchick21 I don’t think you stop squats all together.
Maybe do them but lower the weight a bit and really focus on glute/hammy strength AND ON YOUR FORM. You likely have too much weight and/or have bad form. Lower the weight
Also, if you have anterior pelvic tilt, 4 things are happening. Tight hip flexor, tight lower back, weak abdomen, weak glutes.
Work on these 4 things now or you’ll slowly start having irreversible back problems for life.
Full core day. 30 mins of stretching daily. Focus on glute strength.
Oh and if you’re sitting around most of the day…get up more often and quickly, 10 seconds, stretch the hip flexors.