Rate my routine: 3x/week full-body (Variation of RR)

Currently running 3-4x/week and strength-training 3x/week.

MONDAY: full-body (upper-focused), TUESDAY: easy run, WEDNESDAY: full-body (lower-focused),

THURSDAY: easy run, FRIDAY: full-body (upper-focused), SATURDAY: rest, SUNDAY: long run

I only have access to a barbell and weights once per week, so that day is a designed lower-focused day where I still incorporate calisthenics but do mainly weighted lower-body compounds. The upper-focused days are pretty much the traditional RR.


A: pull-ups / chin-ups 3xfailure

A: bodyweight lunges 3x24

B: chest dips 3x8-12

B: single-leg glute bridges 3x12

C: horizontal ring rows 3x6-10

C: ring pushups 3xfailure


A: barbell squat 3x5

A: barbell rows 3x5-8

B: romanian deadlift 3x8-12

B: diamond pushups 3xfailure

C: bulgarian split squat 3x8-12

C: dumbbell shoulder press 3x8-12
@unhingedflareon1111 What are your goals?
If youre chasing aesthetics then you should also incorporate some side and rear delt exercises.

Also for me i cant recover fast enough if i did 3 sets of chinups till failure to do them 2 days after again but if you can thats good.
In the end its your routine which should suit your needs.

Another thing to add: „x sets of y reps“ doesnt mean much. Your body responds to load and proximity to failure. Wether you did one set of 5 or one set of 6 reps doesnt matter at all if you couldve done 15.
@jonny01 The recommended routine calls for pull-ups 3x/week in the 5-8 rep range. My pull-ups, with dead-hang at bottom, go to the 7-8 range, so that's why I say to "failure." I'm not chasing a certain goal, just want to gain upper body strength through calisthenics and also strengthen legs given I'm a runner using the 1x/week leg-strength-focused workout
@unhingedflareon1111 It seems like a good routine to me as someone who also runs and does calisthenics. If you want to shift things up or get more intense the sub r/HybridAthlete is a good spot for you to look.