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New member
Hi just wanted to know if this routine seems good thanks in advance

M/W/F -


Loaded carry’s x5 x90s (doubles and unilaterals)

Hollow body hold x5 x60s right now i’m doing them while holding a 20lb weight above my head

T/T/S -

Band assisted neutral grip pull ups
Push Ups

Deadlifts (i’m sadly limited on these because i’m working out from home)

Carry’s (same as before)
@coterw Looks good to me! You're covering all the bases.

If you're limited on weight for rows, push the reps really hard. Go for 50+ reps; once you reach failure on one side, switch to the other, and back again, with as little rest as possible.

If you don't have a challenging weight for deadlifts, consider doing snatch and swing on T/T/S instead of deadlift and swing.

Over time you'll also want to add weight and distance/time to your carries.
@coterw Your program looks good and balanced. Depending on how much volume and intensity you put into each day, you may not be able to sustain 6 days a week though.

Also you can deadlift multiple bells in each hand, or single leg deadlift, or deficit RDL, bodyweight towel deadlifts, banded KB deadlift, or if you have big rocks or logs on your property, they are also great deadlift objects.