Review My Routine/Program - Need help identifying weak spots


New member
Looking for some feedback on a routine I just built. Top of post has a lot of background info on my goals and whatnot, the program is at the bottom. It's a mix of a lot of programs that I've used in the last four years, based on knowledge I've picked up along the way, and I just want to make sure what I've set up seems reasonable given my goals and that I haven't neglected something critical.

Any feedback is helpful, thanks!

  • 32, M, 225
  • When I started getting back into the gym after a multi year hiatus in 2019, my focus was on strength and has remained as such for a couple years. Now, I want to lose fat that I’ve been carrying while keeping most of the strength I’ve gained. My fat isn’t just something I gained in the last 2 years, either. It’s something I have carried for many, many years.
  • In the last 2.5 years, I’ve done the following programs:

    P90x > SSL 5x5 > Reddit PPL > GZCL Rippler > Your Strongest Year
  • Current 1rms:
    • Squat - 435
    • Deadlift - 515
    • Bench - 300
Fitness Goals:
  1. Fat Loss
  2. Maintain Strength
  3. Increase Cardiovascular Health
  4. Improve Flexibility
  5. Increase Explosiveness
Workout goals:
  • Manageable stress
  • Diverse movements
  • Balance of strength, hypertrophy, and conditioning
  • No more than 90 minutes at the gym
  • Rotate non-main lift variations ever 4-6 weeks
Desired Mix of:
  • Heavy “Main” Lifts
  • Bodybuilding Lifts (and pump)
  • Mobility/Flexibility work
  • Main & Main Accessory - 531 BBB
  • Auxiliary Accessories - Increase rep weekly to rep cap, then increase 5lb & start over
  • Main - 2-3 min
  • Main Accessory - 1-2 min
  • Supersets - none between movements + 1 min between each superset
Diet Goals:
  • 2,800-3,000 calories/day
  • Month 1 - 50p - 30c - 20f

    Month 2 - 40p - 40c - 20f

    Month 3 - 45c - 35p - 20f


  • Main:

    Deadlift (531 BBB)
  • Assistance:

    Snatch Grip Deadlift (5x10 @ 50-70%)
  • Superset:

    Pullups (3 x 8-12+)

    Barbell Rows (3 x 8-12+)
  • Superset:

    Face pulls (3 x 15-20)

    Y-T-Ws (3 x 12-15)
  • Superset:

    Bicep Curls (3 x 8-12)

    Hammer Curls (3 x 8-12)
  • Ab Work:

    P90x Ab Ripper X


  • HIIT (row sprints + prowler sprints)


  • Main:

    Bench (5-3-1 BBB)
  • Assistance:

    Overhead Press (5x10 @ 50-70%)
  • Superset:

    Tricep Extensions (3 x 8-12)

    Plyo Pushups (3 x 12+)
  • Superset:

    Side & Front Dumbbell Raises (3 x 8-12)

    Tempo Push-ups at 4s down, 3s up (3 x 8-15)
  • Superset:

    Dips (3 x 8-12)

    Dumbbell Flyes (3 x 8-12)
  • Ab Work:

    Ab Rollout (3x12+)

    Wood Chops (3 x 12-15)


  • Plyometrics (45 min)


  • Main:

    Squat (531 BBB)
  • Assistance:

    Reverse Lunge Squats (5x10 @ 50-70%)
  • Superset:

    Leg Press (3 x 8-12)

    Walking Dumbbell Lunges (3 x 8-12)
  • Superset:

    Single Leg Romanian Deadlift (3x12-15)

    Box Jumps (3x12-15)
  • Superset:

    Lateral Lunges (3 x 12-15)

    Hamstring Curls 3 x (8-12)
  • Standing Calf Raises (3 x 8-12)
  • Ab Work:

    P90x Ab Ripper X


  • Tabata - Barbell or Kettlebell Complexes
  • Yoga 30-60 minutes


  • Non-taxing activity (yard work, take dog for a long walk, stretch, etc.)