Rite of Passage “Graduation”—how to move up bell sizes?


New member
I’ve been in an awkward spot since quarantine trying to own the press w/ my 24kg. I had done Soju & Tuba & feel comfortable pressing for a 3RM but can’t get more than that & honesty am burned out on doing more gtg.

I thought I’d try ROP & just “tested” my 16kg & easily did the qualifying 5x(1,2,3,4,5) to move up. Should I just try the 24kg now but w/ ladders of 1&2??

I know ETK recommends a 5-8RM bell but you all know there’s no way I’ll find a 20kg anytime soon. I know Pavel heresy isn’t too welcomed here but wanted to hear some opinions on modifying this effective program.
@chavaayanna If you did sj you can press 6x3=18 reps, rop starts at 3 ladders of 3, also 18 reps. What i would recommend is doing do the 3 start ladders with a 3 min break between ladders and a 30 second to one minute break between 2 reps and 3 reps rungs. Keep the 3 min break constant and work on removing the break between rung 2 and 3. When that is done start adding volume according to the program
@chavaayanna I used a Q+D approach towards pressing the 24k in april replacing the pushups with presses. To know how many reps, I counted my max technical fail reps, (it was 4 at that time) and use that for the 10x2 blocks. I was able to start ROP this june. Now I'm in five rings of 4 rungs on heavy days. Have a strong one!