Roast my program


New member
I have 3 kids and work 50-60 hours per week. Therefore, I can't to break my workouts apart. I'm just not going to get the lifting done if I try to focus on 1 area per day. I started lifting in October and then took 2 months off in May/June for a foot surgery. The surgery leg is still behind but I'm getting more balanced. I gym 3 days per week but not consistent days. I have a rest day in between every workout. Again, I can only get there so many days per week.

My real life goal is to gain strength and move easier. My vanity goal is to be able to lift big things and surprise people with my strength when I'm genetically built like a potato.

This is my current routine:

Triceps push down at 120# for 8 to 10 reps
Bench press 35# dumbells for 8 to 10 reps
Curls 25 or 30# dumbells for 6 to 8 reps
Squat 40# plus bar (still trying to rebuild form post-surgery) for 6 to 9 reps
Leg extensions 140# for 8 to 10 reps
Leg curls 130# for 6 to 8 reps
Side lateral raise 10# for 8 to 10 reps
Cable Rows 80# for 6 to 8 reps
Calf raises 120 for 10 to 13 reps (foot still ouchy on bigger weight)
Back extensions, no weight for 8 to 10 reps

I do 3 sets of everything and I superset everything because I don't have the time to be there all night. Superset combinations change depending on what makes sense and what machines are available but cable rows are always sometime after dumbell curls and squats are always the first leg exercise.

Are there major groups I'm missing? Overdoing something? Horrible imbalance?

I know I should rest between sets and not do full body evety time but it is lift on a compressed schedule or don't lift.
@futuredreamer 2 things jump out straight away.
  1. No deadlifts and overhead press, if you want to get strong, I'd strongly suggest adding those.
  2. No method of progression, when It comes to getting stronger, how you progress the weight is pretty bloody important.
If you train 3 days a week, there are some good 3 day a week programs worth checking out like GZCLP.
@dawn16 Thank you! I'm trying to learn deadlift but it feels super awkward still so I'm just playing around with an empty bar until I can figure it out. I'm getting closer but still not confident I'm not going to wreck myself if I put weight on. I think my potato anatomy works against me and every proper form video you watch is a boobless ripped guy so trying to apply what they're showing to my shape can take some thinking.

I guess I should have addressed progression. If I am consistently getting extra reps, the weight goes up. I try to stay around 8 to 10 reps and then if I'm hitting 10-12 consistently, the weight goes up on the next workout.

I'll try overhead press again. I tried them early on but my shoulder mobility was crap and it looked more like I was trying to fist bump than overhead press. Mobility is much better now though.
@futuredreamer Three days a week is completely fine and used in many programs and even if a program is meant to be 4 days a week, it is not the end of the world if the fourth day is always on another week.

You don't seem super weak so the complete beginner program might be too easy for you. take a look at these programs. They are all available on the Boostcamp app, I think. And on the app you can find other popular programs