Routine feedback for a time crunched dad


New member
Hi all,

I'm looking for some advice on a workout plan I put together to try and get back in shape as a 36 year old. I have a demanding work schedule and am a dad. "Free time"(lol) usually starts around 8:00-8:30 and bedtime around 930-10 (wake up at 5am).

I used to be in athletic shape before kids and career responsibilities increased. With motivation from different angles lifting me off, I've put together a 3 day split I was hoping for some advice on. I'll post it below and really appreciate any input.

My goals are 1-time and 2- hypertrophy. With muscle building contributing to fat loss. I'm currently 160 pounds and 5'6 with only a bowflex dumbell set (up to 55 lbs each) a bench, exercise bike and 6x8 space to work with. It's not much and tiny, but you have to work with what you have!

Split layout: Two Non negotiable days -Tuesday & Thursday +1 flex day

Routine: 3 sets each workout using 3/7 strategy.

Day 1: Back-Biceps (Tuesday)
Warmups- 3 sets 20 jumping Jacks
A: Dumbbell Deadlift
B: Dumbbell Rows
C: Dumbbell Curls

Day 2: Chest-Triceps (Thursday)
Warmups - 3 sets 10 pushups
A- Dumbbell bench press
B- Dumbell Kickbacks
C -Dips (not sure how to do this with 3/7 over time) or dumbell skull crushers

Day 3: Shoulders-Legs (Flex day)
Warm ups - 10 minutes moderate exercise bike
A- Dumbell Squats
B- Standing Dumbell Military press
C- Dumbell Lateral raise

While I'm not expecting to look anywhere like Ryan Gosling as Ken(I wish!), but with limiting proceeded I'm hoping this can have some solid results in 4-6 months before either switching to a new routine and/or hopefully adding a 4th day.

Thanks all. I appreciate the feedback.