Routine for someone’s who’s incredibly unfit


New member
6ft male weigh 17 stone and am incredibly unfit. Up until 2.5 years ago I was always really skinny. I get out of breathe easily due to being asthmatic and I sweat an unbelievable amount. Need to get into better shape. Due to anxiety I struggle leaving my house to go to a gym so would appreciate a routine that will help me lose weight and, eventually, gain a little muscle. Currently can’t even do a push up.
@bananabread23 Hey man to be honest with you your starting point is not that bad and your anxiety is going to be your biggest obstacle. Working out at home is a great start for you but keep it simple and build on it from there. If I was in your shoes id start like this;
  1. Start walking. Go grab a watch or something that will track your steps and hit 10k steps a day. This isn’t a magic number, it’s just a solid goal for metabolic output. This will help you lose weight. Podcasts will get you through the boredom.
  2. Start at home doing body weight squats and push ups. If you can’t do strict push ups, do on your knees and work up to proper push ups. Don’t get caught up in all the fancy push-up variants. It is not important for where you’re starting from. Drop your chest to the ground and push it back up again. Set a goal of 5 sets of 10 push ups and squats in the morning and 5 sets of 10 in the evening. Know this is just a GOAL and not all goals are accomplished. That’s okay. If you can only do 4 push ups before gassing out, good. Do 4. Just hold yourself accountable to doing it.
  3. Count your calories, and eat enough protein. Based on your height and weight a really rough goal for protein would be 115 or more grams per day. For calories, aim for 2,000. Eat as little processed food as you can. Processed food is basically stuff that’s multi-ingredient or changed from its original form (I.e. how it’s grown).
If you follow those 3 steps for 2 months you will lose weight you will gain muscle and you will feel better about yourself. And then from there you can look at kettle bells, rucking, body weight workouts, or even a gym membership. But ultimately your success will come down to your ability to be disciplined and build the schedule. So keep it simple to start with steps push ups and bossy weight squats and good lucky my brother.