

New member
Soo... I hear everyone is lifting weights. And it helps you lose weight. So knowing literally nothing I start trying to lift weights at home because I can't go to the gym . . Welllll.. I hurt my back. Probably not bad it's like a pinched nerve or something. It was feeling a small amount better this morning so I decided that taking yesterday off was enough. Nope. Hurts just as much as when I first did it now. I'm icing and using a heat pack because that's about all they'd do at the dr anyways.
I just need some tips, success stories, low cal high protein ideas. Maybe someone to talk to and video chat if your open to helping me with my form.. Just need a buddy! I won't be working out probably for the next couple days while my back does what it's needs to.
30 / f / 145 / 5'2" I get about 15k steps a day.
@jenur What did you do when you hurt your back? Probably from improper form. Pay attention to form when you’re first starting out…. Also, the pain — is it muscle pain (DOMS) or does it feel like you sprained something / pulled a tendon? If it’s muscle soreness, it’s completely to be expected.
@kopchicksaved2014 Im not sure which move it was that hurt my back since it didn't have an intense pain right away. It doesn't feel like muscle soreness and mostly hurts in my lower back when I bend or twist at the moment. I think it was my form too although I'm not sure how my form in each move is. I kind of don't know what I'm doing. Lol.
@jenur hi OP! if it is a pinched nerve and is still painful, do take time to rest based on your doctor's suggestions & let your back heal. it's better to do nothing and rest than get back into it too quick.

when the pain subsides, you could get back into working out and focus on form with lighter weights (for deadlifts & squats you could refer to alan thrall & megsquats videos on YouTube!!) wishing you a speedy recovery!!! < 3
@jenur If you're new to lifting it could be either improper form or muscle soreness. If you didn't already, definitely look through how to videos on each move before you attempt them again