S&S + Q&D

Pavel makes it clear that these programs are not meant to be done concurrently, but why? I understand the recovery demands are higher for Q&D, but for instance, what about 2 days Q&D and 2 days S&S?
@dungmarketing418 You'd fuck with Q&D too much.

I suggest committing to Q&D (after achieving timed simple) and add in a few (10) 16kg TGU every day, focusing on form and be willing to drop it if tired. Slow, continuous etc. You'll get plenty of swing/snatch work in Q&D.
@dungmarketing418 Since Q&D has swings, but not getups, you want to maintain your getup progress. Maintaining strength doesn't require you to do the whole program. So you could probably get by by doing a couple of getups. Perhaps after the Q&D session. If form is what you want to maintain, that is even easier, as you don't need to go heavy at all with them, so adding some will not be an issue.

Overall, wanting to maintain results of another program will hamper your ability to do the current program. It is much easier to cycle. It is also better to see if you actually lose anything rather than hamstring your current program because you fear you might. You don't have any actual requirement for maintaining the getup at X level, like your job or something depended on it. Aaand, something once learned, strength once gained, is much easier to regain than it was the first time.