Sedentary, out of shape, and struggling with some workouts


New member
Hey all,

Suffering from depression and ADHD, I have not been able to keep consistent with a workout regimen. I would start a program do it for a couple of months and then stop.

I am basically sedentary with terrible shape and I am struggling with some workouts that my coach gave me.

Some are manageable but cardio is really really hard for me and I just cannot get through as my hear rate reaches 170-180 BPM and I feel like I will faint and need constant breaks. When I try to push myself to hard I feel terrible aftwards and even feel like I have low blood sugar (bear in mind that I am on caloric deficit for weight loss) I don't know if it is me or if it is normal and that I should listen to my body, push myself but not to the point of dying as a beginner. Will I improve even if I take it slow at first? I mean I will push as hard as I can but if I am feeling terrible I will take a break and resume my workout.

For reference here is the plan that my coach prepared for me :



 5 minutes warmup\_channel=CarolineGirvan


 Sumo DB Squat: 4 sets of 25-20-20-15

 Stiff leg deadlift: 4sets of 30-25-20-15

Triset: 3 sets of 20reps each side

 Single leg hip thrust:

 Single leg glute bridge:

 Single leg deadlift:

 Bulgarian Split Squat: 3 sets of 15



 Back-to-Wall Shoulder Flexion - 2x8.

 Forearm Wall Slides - 2x8.


 Shoulder press 4sets of 12-12-12-10-10

 DB Side lateral raise 3sets of 8reps superset DB supported wall front raise 3 sets of 12reps

 DB Upright row 4 sets of 20-15-12-10\_JIXI

 Bent over DB rear delt raise: 3 sets to failure each set


20min cardio :\_channel=PamelaReif


• Go for a walk 40min



 15 pulse row 2x15

 15superman 2x15


 DB deadlift 5 sets of 8

 Lat pull down 4 sets of 25


 Bent over two arm DB row 4sets of 15-12-10-8

 One Arm Pull down 3 sets of 15 each side

 DB Pullover 3 sets of 12-10-8

 DB rear delt row 3sets of 12


20 Min cardio:


warmup :

 5 minutes warmup:\_channel=PamelaReif

 Squat mobility:

Workout :

 DB front squat of 4x25-20-20-15

 cossack squat 4 sets of 15 (two sides =1)

 DB sumo squat 4sets of 30-25-25-20

 shrimp squat 4 sets of 15 (each side)

 calf raises 5 sets of 20


Warmup :

 Jump rope : 2 minutes

 Half jack : 20reps

 Arm rotation (forward) : 20reps\_YhdbuEylD4

 Half jack : 20 reps

 Arm rotation (backward) : 20 reps

 Jumping jack : 50reps

Workout :

 Hummer curl superset bench dips 3*15\_h1Y

 Supinated DB curl superset DB tricep extension 3*12

 Zottman curl superset standing overhead DB extension 3*12

 1min plank + 30sec side plank (left)+1min plank + 30sec side plank (right)+1min plank

20 min cardio:\_channel=growingannanas

@renee77 To answer what I think is the most important question I’m there, yes, less volume will still give you great results.

Seems like you are doing a lot of lifting, stacking cardio on top of that while not fueling your body with enough food is a tough task.

I usually recommend in situations like this switching to a 3 day a week, full body routine. Add in as much walking as you want on the days between, especially outdoor walking around parks or other nice outdoor environments

That won’t get you in the best shape cardio wise but it will aesthetically and strength wise be a big boost, all though if you want to be in great cardio shape, maybe lay off some of the lifting

As far as diet, eat a bunch of protein, if you are trying to lose weight eating at maintenance and lifting heavy will build muscle and lose fat but it takes longer. If you are going to eat in a déficit you need at least one gram of protein per pound to avoid losing as much muscle as possible

Granted you have a coach and I’m a stranger on the internet who doesn’t know you so take everything I say with a grain of salt
@renee77 Not only will you improve if you take it slow at first. You're more likely to stick with it. You went from a sedentary lifestyle to doing stuff... that's a huge deal and an awesome one. Don't feel bad that you can't do everything you want to do all at the start. Do what you can do and then you'll be able to do what you want to do
@renee77 Cardio isn’t meant to be pushing yourself hard. As far as improving your heart health (literally the root meaning of “cardio“: heart) there is minimal difference between working at a comfortably elevated heart rate and killing yourself.

By “comfortably elevated” I’m talking about a pace where you could still talk with someone. Typically this lands you at somewhere around 70-75% of you max heart rate (although that actually goes up as you become better trained). Let’s say your absolute max is 185, that means you would be aiming for around 130-140bpm. And for heart health all that matters is hitting those numbers, even if that means just walking instead of jogging. This is also referred to as “Zone 2 training”.

Even among professional endurance athletes the generally agreed upon ratio is that 80% of the time they’re doing zone 2 work, and only spend a small portion of their training doing the “hard” work. And there’s been research showing that ratio is still ideal for more casual athletes who aren’t training full time.
@renee77 If you are out of breath and heart rate rises very quickly with little effort, you might have asthma/health issues. For me, i would get on the treadmill for 5 minutes (fast walking) and have to sit down for 10 to catch my breath. Found out that I have asthma and needed treatment. So if you are experiencing shortness of breath or rapid heart rate with beginner work, id recommend talking to your doc.
@renee77 If the cardio is pushing your HR to 175-180 then just slow down the pace. That would be considered the red zone, and you want to be in the orange zone of 130-150. The same thing happens to me if I'm running too fast on the treadmill, so I'll just slow down the pace and steady my breathing to bring my HR back down.

As far as the generalized struggle...that's natural. You're going from doing nothing at all, to trying to form a habit of regularized physical exertion. It can be difficult, but usually the first month is the toughest. It's said that it takes around 21 days to form a new habit, and if you make sure to just get to the gym at least twice a week, it should become easier and easier.

It's always best to start small, and set your goals to something achievable at first, so you don't set yourself up for failure and make yourself feel bad/defeated.

I would also say blood sugar isn't something you should be worrying about unless you're Type 2 diabetic. Your body will send you all sort of signals when you're trying to recomp yourself, and you need to remain disciplined. It all really comes down to how badly you want it. It's very easy to give into depression and just go back to being sedentary and eating junk. You have to silence the thoughts in your mind that will try to drag you back to that and tell yourself that you're in control of your body, not the other way around. You command the ship, you decide what it does, and you want to make a chance.

I was sedentary for many years and then I decided I didn't like the way it made me feel physically or mentally, and just started going. Even on days I didn't feel good, and that's a big achievement. The day you get to the gym when you REALLY don't want to, is a milestone.