Seeking Feedback on My 20:4 Intermittent Fasting Plan


New member
Hi everyone,

I'm looking for some advice on my 20:4 intermittent fasting plan, and I'd appreciate any feedback you can offer. Here are the details:

About Me:
  • Age: 33
  • Gender: Male
  • Weight: 78 kg
  • Height: 5.4 ft
  • Occupation: IT, Work From Home (Sedentary)
  • Location: South India
Goal: I aim to lose 15 kg in the next 90 days.

My Eating Schedule (Within a 4-hour Window):
  • 2:00 PM: Watermelon (100g), Mung bean sprouts (100g), Coconut water
  • 4:00 PM: Glass of milk
  • 6:00 PM: White rice (100g), Paneer (200g), Finger millet malt (100g), Vegetables (100g)
Variations: I switch up my food choices every other day:
  • Mung beans are swapped with different types of beans
  • Coconut water is replaced with sugarcane juice or buttermilk
  • Paneer is substituted with tofu
  • Rice is exchanged for oats
Other Practices:
  • I only consume water outside of my eating window.
  • Exercise: I walk for 30 minutes in the morning at 7:00 AM and another 30 minutes at 9:00 PM.
  • Sleep: I aim for 7 hours of sleep each night.
I'm open to any suggestions or adjustments to improve my plan. Thanks in advance for your help!

P.S: I am doing Intermittent Fasting from past 3 years. Started from 12-12, 16-8, 18-6 but with alot of meat, butter, fast food etc. :)
@fritz_bolivar First lets start by keeping realistic goals

This routine is quite extreme, you will be hungry throughout the day and your energy levels will be very low, and since you're only doing weight loss, even once you loose weight, you will gain it back if you go off track, I recommend doing some weight training if you can,bI would say do 18:6 instead but that's your choice
@fritz_bolivar Are you eating enough protein to facilitate weight loss? 200g of paneer is 36 g. Moong sprouts is another 30ish(it's also an incomplete source, but if eating w rice I guess it'd okay). You can add whey or plant protein supplement to increase your protein intake. Also eggs if possible.

I feel like 4 hours of non fasting seems rather extreme and unsustainable long run. You can stick to 16-8 or so and eat better.

Strength training is also a great addition to your excercise regime for overall improvement of bone and muscle health.
  1. Why intermittent fasting?
  2. Why do you want to lose specific amount of weight within 90 days?
  3. Do you workout?
  4. Do you count your food raw or after cooking?
  5. What's your tdee?
@fritz_bolivar IF is not a magic bullet that translates automatically to fat loss. All it does is limit your hunger pangs and Excessive snacking.

You will still have to count your calories and be in deficit. If your goal is fat loss. I would focus all my energy in perfecting the diet instead of restricting IF.

Go calculate your TDEE using online calculator. Start counting your calories.

15kg in 3 months is very aggressive. The people on IF sub losing weight that faster are Americans who live on Burgers and Pizzas. They have lot of bloating and water weight. You are not going to lose weight that fast as them.

Approx 7000 calories deficit is 1kg fat loss. So check what your deficit is. Based on your deficit you can calculate how much realistically you can lose. 15kg in 3 months is very aggressive but doable. Instead of doing that strict eating window. It will be easier for you you to do 24h fasts multiple times in a month.
@fritz_bolivar Hi, I also lost weight at a similar pace as the one you are aiming for. Here are 3 tips I can give just reading your post:

1. Cut out sugar, even from natural sources (example sugarcane, watermelon). Sugar is still sugar.
  1. Try consuming a protein heavy first meal (generally I recommend this to be the breakfast, but you can adjust as per intermittent fasting schedule)
  2. Get enough sleep. If your body requires 8 hours to function well, give it that.
If you want to see how I did it as an Indian Working Professional alongside my work without spending hours at the gym, check this out, I am sure it will inspire you:, also as an aside note, I might also be able to help you on this goal of yours, check the bottom of the post.