Seeking Feedback on My Workout Split – Any Recommendations for Improvement?


New member
Hey everyone! 👋

I've outlined my current workout routine below and would love your feedback and suggestions for improvement. My main goal is muscle building and strength gain, with a focus on glutes. For context: I’m 23F and have been going to the gym inconsistently for 4-5 years now.

Monday: Glute + Hamstring
1. Hip thrusts
2. Step-ups
3. Romanian Deadlifts (RDL)
4. Lying leg curls
5. Medial Kickback
6. Calf raises

Tuesday: Back & Bicep
1. Bent-over rows
2. Assisted pull-up
3. Lat pulldown
4. Back hyperextension
5. Face-pulls
6. Barbell bicep curl
7. Single-arm cable curl

Wednesday: Glute + Quads (Plus Abs workout at the end)
1. Front Squats
2. Rear-foot elevated split squats
4. Leg extension
5. B-stance hip-thrust
6. Glute-focused hyperextension

Thursday: Chest, Shoulder, and Tricep
1. Barbell or Dumbbell Chest Press
2. Incline bench press
3. Military press or Seated DB shoulder press
4. Lateral raises or One-arm cable lateral raise
5. Cable Cross triceps pushdown
6. Cable overhead extension
7. Rear delt flys

Friday: REST

Saturday: Glute Focus (abs workout at the end)
1. Squat
2. Hip-thrust
3. Lunges
4. B-stance RDL
5. Cable kickback
6. Abduction machine

Sunday: REST
@stefanylove would probably just do 2 full upper days instead of separating into push and pull purely on the basis that if you can recover significantly faster than once a week you might as well get some higher quality fresh work in more than once a week. also lets you superset chest/back and bis/tris if that's your vibe.

if you are getting stronger over time at a rate that seems reasonable based on your nutrition/life variables/training advancement the plan is great. if not, see if you need a better stimulus (eg more upper body volume, training closer to failure or slightly different exercises that jive better)