Shock in Pubis muscles ( F )?


New member

Hi y'all, So to my fellow experienced workout girls I've never been to gym my whole life but I'm naturally quite fit (not skinny) and have a bit broad shoulders.

So recently I decided to work on my lower areas (All legs)
It's been 2 months and my routine is 3X a week, the thing is I started to notice some electric shock type pinched pain in Pubis muscles around the 😾!

It's like month now and every time I use leg extension or hip adduction I get these shocks?

Am I doin somthin wrong?
@hosana Your question is probably better for an actual doctor, as I think there are probably additional questions that someone with training and clinical experience would know to ask you.

Oddball pains in strange spots that seem to be a consequence of athletic training programs are the sprts of things that sports medicine docs deal with every day. Hopefully you can find one that works with women a lot, because the peculiarities of anatomy having to do with biological sex are important in the pelvic girdle.

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