Should I add an “accessory“ day to my plan?


New member
So here’s my plan and summer break is coming (I’m 16M, 165lbs) so I’ll have extra time. But I also have 2 days a week of basketball practice so a total of 6 workout days a week.

Now, is it a good idea to add an extra workout or two on my schedule that are really short (30mins or so) that compliment my weak points? Like my chest is bad, I don’t work forearms and my back needs a bit more volume. So should I add a day or two that I do something like Bench press machine, forearm extensions and pull ups. Sneaking that before my basketball training or on a rest day?

But will that affect muscle recovery? And how can I do that smartly without ruining something else?
@rimbella I mean I don’t really take basketball too seriously or wanna pursue a career in it. I’m maybe too bad for that. So I mostly wanna focus on physique, but of course also want to get better at basketball.
@blueskies88 Gotchaaa pull-ups would be great to throw in the mix, one of the most effective exercises you can do. It’ll help those forearms too. Those and maybe some mobility and basic plyos in a short session once or twice a week would probably overall benefit you more than another straight lifting sesh. That would be a good active recovery session to add to your rest days

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