should I Bulk or Cut or body recomp ?


New member
Hey guys, i intend to return to gym this year but i have no plans whether i should cut or bulk, but first, lemme tell u about my story :

I used to go to gym when i was 17 years old, at the time i was in highschool and i did it for like 10 months and then i stopped after graduating....I enclose a picture of me when I was lean, i was 56 kg and used to practice jogging every week :

But afterwards, I started not having time with studies in University, so I had to stop for 1 year. In 2019 I decided to return to gym again but this time i decided to bulk, i kept on a bulking program for like 5 months and I went from 62kg to 70kg...Then Covid came up and i stopped and stayed fat as fuk until now..

Today, after 3 years of stopping, i finally graduated from university and found a 9:5 office job, so im pretty more stable than before and after all the ups and downs im finally determined to go on a non stop journey in what i always loved : being a Gymbo fitness man.

I dont really know how to start again because im like 72kg and 175cm but i feel like my face became chubby and there's fat all over my body ! What do u recommend me to do ?
@jackmikemon Right now, your body fat percent is probably over 20%. So you can lift for muscle gains as well as do a slight calorie deficit and still get beginner muscle gains. Once you are closer to 15% bodyfat, you can decide where you want to go from there.
@cfitz Thanks! So i see that its gonna be a cutting bulking program.. But in order to make that small deficit, should i use a cutting diet or bulking diet?

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