Should I make any changes? Any help is appreciated!


New member
I have been going to the gym for about 3 years now and found my current workout from a youtube video about a year ago. I have seen great results and my strength is increasing but i was just curious if there is anything anyone would recommend to better optimize my gains or if i should keep it the same.

Day 1- upper body- strength:

(Alternate btwn Pushing and Pulling Exercise)

(Heavy Loads Low Rep ranges 5X5)
  • Vertical Pull (any exercise pulling weight towards body) 100/110/120
  • Triceps 90/100/110
  • Barbell Row 80/90/100/
  • Vertical Press (any exercise pushing weight overhead) 80/90/100/
  • Bench Press 165/185/205/
  • Biceps 45/50/55/
  • Incline Chest Press 165/185/205/
Day 2- lower body- strengh quad focus:

(Compensate for lower reps w/ higher sets)
  • Standing Calf Raise 230/240/250/
  • Hip Hinge 80/90/90/
  • Leg Press 220/260/290/
  • Squat: 155/205/225/
Day 3- push- hypertrophy:

(3 or 4 sets per exercise w/ 8-15 reps)
  • Triceps 90/100/110
  • Chest Fly 110/120/130
  • Overhead Press 70/80/90
  • Lateral Raise 17.5/20/22.5
  • Incline Barbell Bench Press 125/135/155/
  • Chest Dips BW/BW/30
Day 4- pull- hypertrophy:
  • Rear Delts 110/120/130/
  • Lat Pulldown 90/100/110/
  • 1 Arm Row 80/100/105/
  • Horizontal Pull 110/120/135/
  • Biceps 35/40/45/
Day 5- Legs- hypertrophy- Hamstring focus:
  • Leg Curl (3x12) 145/150
  • Standing Calf Raises (4x15) 130/160/180/
  • Deadlift (4x6)185/225/245/
  • Hack Squat (3x12) 75/80/85/
  • Walking Lunges w/ long stride (4x10) 45/50/55/
Add Weight Each Week But drop 1 rep

After 4 weeks start back to normal reps but increase initial weight.


