Squat form check please


New member
Hi everyone, I'd appreciate any feedback on my form here.

I'm 6'1" 255lb
I'm squatting 245lb, this is my last set of 3x5 and I only manage to get 4.
@tsmiles You keep changing the arc of your lower back. This might cause problems. Take a deep breath and fill your stomach with air, then flex your core as hard as you can, then you sit down and do the squat.

Keep in mind that each squat is separate from the others, and you repeat this for every squat. Don't just rush through your set.

You're not reaching competition depth, but that might not be important for you. if it is, you will solve it by not moving your knees so much forward, and sit back a bit instead of sitting down.

You might also want to grip the bar with both hands and hold it tight and hard, to get the tightness up in your upper back.
Agree with all of this except the depth check... Of course he could go lower, but even trying to eyeball from behind and below, they looked on the line for IPF.
@dawn16 Part of the trouble with that kind of power cage though, is sometimes you can't actually reach depth if the bars aren't adjustable.

I'd personally struggle to make depth (I think) using static bars like that. I feel most comfortable with adjustable bars, and I put them 4 or 5 notches down from the top. Otherwise I'm self conscious of the bar hitting the rails.
I agree with all of this.

Your setup is rushed, which leads to inconsistent form.

I'd recommend box squats, this helped me with the 'sit back' cue.

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