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I'm not sure if this has been posted before, but this has to be one of the best tips I've ever seen for almost every exercise. Essentially, just squeeze your armpits together when you're doing your exercises. This tip seems pretty useless at first, but trust me just try it. I tried this with my planche leans and ring pushups today, and it was insane how much more stable and strong I felt.
@layk Its not useless. Tucking-in your elbows together is a must in all upperbody calisthenics exercises. Squeeze your armpit cue makes it easier to accomplish.
@cbsmel It's not the elbows that are important, it's the back. Scapular stability allows for better activation of the chest. Squeezing your armpit engages your back therefore stabilizing the scapula.
@marylene Not only the inner thigh but also the quads definitely help with a nice straight body position. Good mind muscle connection with your legs I feel really helps when doing elements where you're attempting to have a straight body.
@dawn16 yes, I have been experimenting lately a lot with my posture, bio mechanics , and mind body connection as I realized that my hamstrings are dominant in my legs function , and being able to active more gluts , inner tights and and quads made a great improvement in my overall posture stability.
@cbsmel Agreed! I've always tried to tuck in my elbows, but the cue of squeezing your armpit really helps me have completely strict form.
@layk I noticed this a lil while.ago. Close grip push ups are easier cuz I can flair lats and squeeze my arms against them and it's like a brace. Almost felt like cheating
@worthycause4christ Telling your body to squeeze your armpits activates those and several other stabilizers. It's a common trick in body building to focus on a known physical movement to activate the muscles you want rather than running drills to get the person up to speed on how to activate the required muscles separately.
@godisomnipotent This is literally the first time conceptualizing this and i am excited to try this on pull ups now. Thank you.

Edit: Just tried it. Wow. Ive been trying to figure out a better way to get a mind muscle connection and you just bridged that for me. Thank you for this post!
@worthycause4christ Internal cues vs. External cues have rather different effects. Internal cues (mind-muscle connection) tend to assist with better activation. Extenal cues (movement pattern-based) tend to assist with speed and thus, power.