Starting routine have no idea where ro begin?


New member
M, 24, 175 6'1
Skinny fat as i used to be 270 6 years ago and lost the weight but had done no strength training.

I have 2 30lb kettle bells, i just bought a weight bench, 7ft Olympic bar, i have a set of 10lb 15lb 25lb 35lb and 45lb plates for the bar. I have a pull up bar and a set of dip bars. I also bought a 20lb weighted vest but have not used it yet.

I can bench 100lbs 6 times so i dropped it to 80 and can do 10-12 reps before i need to put bar up, i can do 5 pull ups and 5 dips in a row each before needing a rest so i count 5 as a set usually and do about 3 sets each. I can do 30 push ups in 1 go, i do squats with kettle bells, with 1 kettle bell ill do about 30 squats when i hold both kettle bells i only do 20 and again ill do 3 sets of squats. I can curl the kettle bells. My fastest mile was under 8 but on average theyre in the 9-10 minute range.

I know none of these are impressive, believe me im not bragging, im just trying to establish my base line of where im at so hopefully its easier to help me build a routie?

Lastly i had back surgery at 20years old for a herniated disc in my l5s1 hence another reason i was scared to start weight lifting, i do want to eventually deadlift and squat with my barbell im just nervous and need to learn how to do it properly and safely so i dont re injure my back.

I dont know if what im doing is enough, if i need to add reps or more sets, if should add more work outs, i wamt to target a whole body work out, gain some lean muscle but mostly tone, should i focus on a split workout where i focus on 1 are one day and another the next day? I honestly have no idea what im doing

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